22. Reunion

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Third person POV

Right now

It shouldn't be difficult to win against a mob for a team with a supersoldier, a precise archer, an absolutely indestructible green guy, a cold blooded assassin, and a mechanic in a metal suit. Yet, they're quite a challenge.

"Bullseye!" Clint just shot two men from the roof of a house, "I don't think these are regular guns" he dodges one of the energy burst shot at him.

Natasha kicks a guy in the head, making him fall. She picks up his gun and shoots him dead. But instead of bullet, energy beam escapes the muzzle, "Like repulsor of some kind," he checks the gun for a second before smacking it at an approaching woman's head.

"But I thought only Tony had one of those," Steve catches his boomeranging shield and rethrows it in opposite direction, knocking a few gang members in the process.

"You're right, America," Tony dodges a couple of blasts and shoots back, "I've them patented, so not my repulsor, unless someone stole them" he picks one of the guns from the ground, "looks like alien tech to me,"

"Alien tech?" Clint swings his bow to hit, "as far as I know it's stored in CIA vault,"

"That doesn't make enough sense," Tony blasts himself off the ground, small bullets escape his shoulder, rushing towards individual targets with a tail of smoke.

After throwing someone at the approaching attackers, Hulk roars. He feels a tap on his back, turning he see a guy pointing his gun at him. What he felt like a tap was a energy burst. Bruce snatches the gun and smashes it on the head, then tried hard to smash the gun.

Tony feels an impact on his back causing him to meteor down to the ground. Sparks fly from his suit when he finally comes to a halt.

"Stark, you okay?" Steve knocks the person he's fighting with his shield, before running towards the fallen metal man. But gets hit from his right, and before he could reach Tony, Steve crashes into one of the houses.

Clint shoots a few more men down, when he attracts the attention and recieves energy bursts from a dozen ends without any opportunity to hit back, he takes cover and talks into his earpiece, "a little help here!"

"Hold on!" Natasha says but gets outnumbered, one of the Blackhand members kick on the back of her knees, she falls on the ground, and is now on gunpoint.


Y/n's POV

Right now

You are constantly put to sleep by the dart only to wake up with strange bruises and cuts on various parts of your body. As the old wounds were healing, new ones magically appeared.

You lost all track of time. The only track you kept was that of the marks on your body. You count each bruise, adding the new ones. Sometimes you find yourself laying on the stone bed, sometimes against the wall and sometimes on the ground in the middle of the cage.

You were frequently visited by your 'friend' in your wake hours. But it was all about convincing you to join him. You refrained yourself from talking to him, or anyone for that matter. Simple answers, no questions; even if you see your fellow CIA agents there. Because they taught you about hostage situations during training, you know what becomes of curious minds.

Today, you're sure, it's the CIA that's infilterated. Your fellow agents, now guards in Blackhand; their sympathetic eyes often ask you to agree to them. Maybe they were in the same place as yours once, and gave in.

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