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A/N: I changed my mind y'all, this might have a good ending

"Come on baby, you gotta' get up and eat something. All this moping isn't good for the baby," Gabi said, looking at a zoned-out Carsyn as she sat up in her bed, just staring into space.

Asaad had been locked up for about three months now, And his hearing was that day.

Carsyn was going on her seventh month of pregnancy and honestly...she was spiraling downwards.

She lost the motivation to go out, to work, to shop, and even sometimes to eat.

But she still tried, she had to pull through for her babygirl.

That was one of the only things that was keeping her motivated, apart from Asaad and his family, and her friends as well.

Her and Asaad were on decent terms, but they weren't the best.

She forgave him, but she couldn't help but resent him a bit.

Every time they spoke over to the phone she couldn't help but feel anger towards him, and she wished that didn't but she did and it was the truth.

"The hearing today?" Carsyn asked as Gabi helped her out of the bed, her belly was becoming bigger and bigger so it was getting harder for her to do simple things.

"Yes girl, hopefully this all works out. Ms.Ciara said if things go well Asaad will only have a month left and he can be with you before you give birth," Gabi filled in.

"That's good," Carsyn said. She wanted things to work out, but she also didn't want to get her hopes up.

"How you feeling boo?" Gabi asked Carsyn, truly wanting to know how Carsyn had been doing because lately, it seemed like she wasn't doing well.

"Like shit, my back hurts, my feet hurt, this little girl is doing somersaults in my stomach, I miss my man, and I haven't been fucked in five months," Carsyn complained, about to cry at just the thought.

"I wish I could say I know how you feel but I can't. You're so strong Carsyn, I know doing all of this alone is not ideal but you're doing it, and everyone is so proud of you. We see you trying, and I'm here to help with anything, always," Gabi confessed cause Carsyn to frown, tears clouding her eyes.

Gabi really touched Carsyn's sprit because she hadn't heard anyone say that they were proud of her in a while now, she truly was trying.

"Thank you Gabi, seriously. I love you so much girl," Carsyn said, hugging Gabi the best she could, her large belly getting in the way.

"Of course girl, you know I got you forever,"

"That bellyyy," Latifa dragged at a decent volume when Carsyn walked inside the court room, Carsyn smiled a bit before hugging the older woman.

"I know, she's definitely growing," Carsyn said with a smile after Latifa sat down, Carsyn then going to quietly greet the rest of his family.

"How are you? I know it's been difficult doing this on your own," His uncle Randy asked, Carsyn just sighed.

"I'm fine, just doing my best. He's been helping me as much as he can but I'm just hoping he can come home soon," Carsyn answered.

Soon everyone has to be seated and they brought Asaad out.

All Carsyn was thinking was that he definitely looked like an inmate.

His goatee was now grown out into a beard, his skin was dull, he didn't look as healthy as he did before, mainly because he didn't eat as much, and his hair hadn't been done in months, but it had grown.

He was still so handsome though, and Carsyn knew that he would never lose that.

The officers brought him to where his lawyer already was standing, his back facing where Carsyn and his family were seated.

The officers let him go before walking of to the side, he almost immediately turned his family.

"Can't believe your slow ass in jail again!" His aunt Latifa cursed, causing Carsyn to laugh a bit.

Her laugh caused his heart to swell, his eyes finally landing on the beautiful girl.

Carsyn was wearing a pink body suit paired with some light colored loose fit jeans that of course, weren't buttoned, nothing was going over that bump.

She paired the outfit with her white shoulder bag and her 'Active Fuchsia' dunks.

Her hair was currently braided, the 36in bohemian knotless flowing down her back and her face was bare, of course with the exception of her lash extensions and her clear lipgloss.

Even though she was spiraling down mentally, she didn't have to physically spiral down as well.

His eyes fell down to her belly, noticing that it had been getting bigger and bigger, his daughter was growing and he hated that he couldn't witness any of it.

Carsyn sighed as she stood up, moving closer to him, just wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm sorry baby," He mumbled as his head dropped into the crook of the girls neck, inhaling the scent that he missed dearly.

"I know boo, just come home," She replied softly as he rubbed her belly, Carsyn's face scrunching up when she felt her baby kick.

"Here she go," She said, knowing that her baby was about to get active, Asaad just laughed.

Everyone in the courtroom watched the moment, even the Judge, nobody saying anything because they knew that the couple were already going through a tough time.

Asaad wasn't supposed to be touch her to begin with, but here he was.

Carsyn and the rest of Asaad's family were at the edge of their seats as they waited for the judge's verdict.

Carsyn was due in a month since she would officially be 8 months pregnant in two days, so as long as it was anything before that she was fine.

"Asaad Murders, you are to be released in fifteen days, court adjourned," The judge finished, finally banging the gavel.

bye, i'm so over this book 😒

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