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"I miss him so muchhh," Carsyn complained to Gabi over the phone, speaking of Asaad.

Carsyn had actually been talking to Gabi a lot more recently, she was cool as hell and the pair was definitely growing closer.

"If you miss him so much, go talk to him. I'm confused," Gabi said like it was the easiest thing in the world.

It was about 10pm and Asaad hadn't talked to Carsyn at all, Carsyn was going through it.

She didn't get any good-morning text, none of his mid-day "I miss you" calls, nothing.

Deep down, she knew that she should've just put her pride aside and went to apologize to him for not hearing him out, but she was just so stuck on staying loyal to her sister.

She was stuck in the middle, and she wasn't sure what to do.

"I can't, I feel like he's sooo mad at me right now," She frowned.

"Why?" Gabi asked causing Carsyn to sigh before explaining her entire situation.

"So, what should I do?" Carsyn asked,

"I think you should just hear him out Carsyn, cause all I'm hearing is "Shae said" this and "Shae said" that, what it's sounding like it Asaad didn't get the chance to explain himself, and based off of your body language he didn't bother to because he knew you were going to defend Shae regardless, just because she's your sister," Gabi said, describing Asaad's thought process exactly.

Gabi worked as a therapist, so it was safe to say that she was pretty good a deciphering situations and seeing things from multiple points of view.

"I love Shae, but maybe she's trying to stir shit up for you? and I'd hate to say it, but maybe she's jealous? You know what you have with Asaad is good, and it's true, shit, look at what happens when you're without him for a full 24 hours,"  She continued.

"I could be wrong, but maybe just hear him out? It could clear things up quite a bit, you never know," Gabi completed causing Carsyn to groan as she realized how wrong she was for not hearing Asaad out.

She never truly considered questioning her sister's word because she never had to, but maybe she should've.

"Ughhh, he probably doesn't even wanna see my face right now. That man said he standing on businessss," Carsyn frowned, Asaad obviously took no-contact serious because she hadn't heard anything from him at all.

"Girl hush, and go talk to your man. Call me tomorrow and tell me how it go,"

"I definitely will, byeeee,"

Carsyn sighed as she waited at Asaad's doorstep, sliding her hands into the black coat pockets as she felt a cold winter breeze brushing past her.

She knocked on the door and rung his ring doorbell so that it sent a notification to his phone.

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