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"'ight mama, ima come see you later. I gotta go handle sum," Asaad said after climbing out to the bed.

"Asaad, what do you have to handle at 10pm?" Carsyn asked curiously, sitting up in the bed.

He was always leaving to go "Handle sum" but she never knew what it was, and it was always at the weirdest times.


"What kind of business?" Carsyn asked, confused as to why he was being so secretive.

"I'a tell you later, it's work shit," He said, still not giving her a clear answer.

"Why you can't tell me now? Acting weird as fuck," She said scrunching her face up.

"I'm grown as hell shorty, Ian gotta tell you every fuckin' move I make," He replied causing her to raise her eyebrows.

"Nigga, you've been going to "handle business" for the past month and a half and I can't ask what the fuck you been doing?" She questioned, growing aggravated with the conversation.


"Okay," She said, grabbing her phone and turning away from him.

"Fuck you mean "Okay"? What you on Carsyn?" He asked, aggression evident in his tone.

"I meant what I fucking said Asaad, you grown as hell so you should understand that. Go handle your business," She told him calmly.

"Fuck is you even tryna pick fights for? I thought we was good Carsyn,"

"Asaad, stop fucking talking to me bro. Ain't nobody tryna pick a fucking fight with you, I was just asking where you were going"

"Ight Carsyn," He mumbled, not even wanting to argue with her.

He just went in her closet and grabbed some of his clothes, getting dressed quickly.

She watched silently as he walk around her room, finding his phone, his gun, and his wallet.

She saw him walking towards her through her peripheral vision so she got on her phone so that she could ignore him, she failed when he snatched the phone out of her hand.

"Youn' hear me tryna fucking talk to you?" He cursed, she didn't say anything.

"I'a be back at 12 so we can talk, fix yo' face man,"He said, watching a tear roll down her cheek as she quickly wiped it.

She was only crying because she was so annoyed with the whole situation, she didn't even like arguing with Asaad.

She sighed as she felt him kiss her cheek.

"I love you mami," He said first causing her to frown.

" I love you too," She replied

She was mad at him, but she would never not say it back.

Asaad did exactly what he said he would, he came back to Carsyn's apartment about 12, he went and took a shower before sitting in the bed beside her.

She was still awake, she didn't like going to sleep angry and Asaad  definitely didn't want her going to sleep angry.

"I'm sorry ma, I wasn't tryna see how shit looked from your view. I know it look sketchy as fuck to you, leaving late as hell, coming back in the middle of the night, it ain't what you think it is though," He began to explain.

"That wasn't even my main issue though, you started acting like you were hiding shit. Like you were dancing around my questions and then making it seem like I was picking an argument out of nothing when you knew that wasn't the case. I don't like that," She spoke softly, mentally cursing at herself when she felt her eyes watering once again.

"I was wrong as hell for that mama, and I'm sorry. When I leave to go handle shit, I be out wit' Marion taking care of hits. That's my main income, I ain't want you to judge me or nothing,"

"Judge you for what Asaad? I already knew that you did that shit, you knew that I knew that shit, and I've literally never judged you,"

"Ion know mama, I ain't want you to think I was crazy or some shit like that cause I go out, do what I need to do, and then come back here and lay up wit' you like it's nothing,"

"You're thinking too deep into it Asaad, If it bothered me that much, do you think I would've sat here and  talked to you for five months straight knowing that? I already knew from jump Asaad and it didn't bother me because you do the shit you do for a reason," She stressed, he just remained silent.

"Quit crying mami, I'm sorry," He mumbled as he pulled her into his lap, not knowing what to say because this time, he caused her tears.

"I forgive you Asaad, just don't do me like that again," She replied, resting her head on his chest.

"I forgive you Asaad, just don't do me like that again," She replied, resting her head on his chest

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not my favs arguing oh em geeeee

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