21 ~ anger and insanity

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Insanity seemed to suit me, because I felt great. The soreness, the headaches, the thirst was gone, and I just felt alive, and ravenous. I was also filled with hate for everyone and everything. Although, I did feel better about Donna. I was beginning to see her side, becoming crueler and more bloodthirsty. Somewhere deep inside of my head, the old me was screaming, begging to be let out. But the person the Flare had turned me into was not about to let that happen.

Posie was still trying to get me to acknowledge my anchor, but at this point, the thought of Lottie was not enough to bring me out of my evil stupors. I rolled my eyes at Posie whenever she mentioned my girl, and she would turn away, hurt and fearful.

Old me hated the way I was treating her. The Crank celebrated whenever it saw her eyes turn misty.

Donna was pleased with my "progress". She would make me, Steve, and Sheldon steal food from innocent and alone Cranks in the corners of rooms. She would have us quite literally tear clothes off their backs. And I liked it.

Our little gang always occupied the center of the bowling alley, sitting on top of a table so we would look down threateningly on everyone else. I didn't speak much, mostly I just stared at my scuffed shoes, trying not to go feral while Donna spoke softly to the other two boys and Posie kept her head low.

One day, two guards marched into the bowling alley, their noses wrinkled at the smell I had grown used to by now. Every Crank in the room looked up in surprise; the guards rarely came inside, even when two Cranks were on the verge of killing each other.

The two guards held their weapons in front of them, scanning the room. "Is there a 'Newt' here?" One of them asked gruffly. I froze, and my first thought went to WICKED. Maybe they found me and wanted to take me back to their facilities to run tests. I would tear them all apart.

"Me," I spoke up, wincing at the broken sound of my voice. The guards looked towards my voice and their eyes went a bit afraid at the sight of me and the others on top of the table.

"Why? What do you need with him?" Donna snapped, curling her fingers around my shoulders and bringing me closer to her, as she would with a son. I didn't pull away.

"There are people here that need to see him. C'mon now-"

"What people?" Donna demanded, squeezing me harder so her dirty nails dug into my arm. I must have permanent marks from her scratching me at this point.

The guards shrugged. "Two girls, a bunch of dudes. One of 'em was Spanish, I dunno."

My breath left me. Spanish? Two girls? They had come for me. They had done the one thing I had asked them not to do. My anger was hardly containable anymore. Hate covered every other emotion, including the sharp rush of adrenaline knowing that Lottie and my other friends were so close.

"I don't want to see them." My voice sounded far away as I refused the guards, noticing Donna's approving nod in my direction.

"They're paying us to see you," said one of the guards, as if I cared. I shook my head.

"I'm not seeing them. Tell them to leave. If you try to make me see them, I'll kill you." I bared my teeth like a vampire, feeling foolish. I must have looked threatening enough, though, because the guards spun on their heels and walked out, presumably going to tell Lottie and the others I said to shove off.

"Poor Newtie," Donna crooned, stroking my arm soothingly. "I can't believe they could be so selfish!"

"Newt," a soft voice interrupted, and I turned to see Posie's hopeful face turned up at me. "Your anchor is here. This is your chance to save yourself!"

𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 𝘋𝘌𝘈𝘛𝘏 𝘊𝘜𝘙𝘌Where stories live. Discover now