10 ~ needed me

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Thomas was right; the others were easy to convince after we informed them about the Right Arm's inside sources in Denver. After a short rest, everybody was ready to get on their feet and start the journey.

Jorge was in no condition to be our navigator, and Brenda insisted that she stay by his side while he was recovering, so Thomas took Jorge's compass and the lead. Minho was behind him, helping Julian along with his sprained ankle. Frypan and I were next. I had my hand permanently on his arm, guiding him over obstacles that he might struggle to see, since his eyes were so swollen. We were a sight to behold, but we were determined to get to Denver.

Once night fell yet again, with minimal breaks and little food, we were all exhausted. Neither Jorge nor Julian would ever complain about pain, but I knew they were struggling from the looks on their faces. None of us had spoken in hours; if I tried my voice would be hoarse from dehydration.

We walked until about midnight until Frypan finally spoke up. "I know we're eager to get to Denver, but we need sleep, guys."

No one argued. Without hesitation, we all dropped our bags on the floor and laid down where we were standing a moment prior. My last thought before sleep took over was that we only had a few more miles to go tomorrow. They would be the hardest ones, since it would be through mountains, but it was more than I could hope for.

I was awoken a few hours later... earlier than I would've liked. It was still dark, and there wasn't any sign that the sun would be coming up any time soon. Why was I awake then? Disgruntled, I shut my eyes, intending for a few more hours of sleep before we had to start walking again, but then I heard it.

My entire body stiffened. I knew that sound all too well. Not again.

The sounds didn't seem too close. There was enough time for us to get away, but the Cranks would definitely be able to hear me if I started speaking to the others. Swiftly, I turned to my side and jabbed the nearest person in the side. It was too dark to see who it was. I heard the sharp intake of breath and clapped my hand over the person's mouth. I could see their eyes, wide with confusion, reflecting the moon. "Cranks," I whispered in their ear. "Wake the others, quietly."

Thankfully, whoever it was started moving instantly, picking up their bag and moving silently over to one of the others. I continued my job, waking up the others one by one as the sounds of our doom came closer and closer. Soon, everybody was awake and ready to go, but nobody was moving. They were silent, listening.

"What are you all waiting for?" I hissed. "Go, go, go!"

There was a sudden movement and influx of noise as everyone began to run in the opposite direction of the noises. As soon as we made a sound, the screeches of the Cranks became louder, and started to get closer at a faster pace. They knew we were here, and now that they were getting closer, I'm sure they could smell us too.

I saw the dark figures of Brenda and Jorge at the front of the group, with Minho and Julian right behind them. Julian looked to be limping, but he managed to keep up. Frypan was stumbling along behind those four, still unable to see much. If he didn't get help soon, he'd run straight into a tree.

I hurried forward to grab him and pull him along. I heard the ground crunching beneath boots behind me and I knew Thomas had taken up the rear. "I'll help you," I murmured to Frypan, who picked up his speed once he was confident that I would lead him where we needed to go.

The Crank sounds weren't just behind us anymore; they were to the left and right as well. My breath hitched in my throat when I realized. They were herding us like cattle.

"Could we climb a tree, maybe?" Frypan suggested, panic lacing his voice.

"No!" I insisted. "They'd climb after us. We just have to move faster."

We did. Our only option was outrunning them, since none of us held and sort of firearm. Where was Satomi when we needed her? The Cranks weren't getting tired anytime soon, and our group was weakened. What could we do? The noises felt like they were closing in on us. The screams surrounded us as the Cranks closed in. Suddenly, a figure jumped from the darkness of the woods and tackled Jorge and Brenda in front of us.

They'd caught us.

I could hear Jorge cursing in broken Spanish, and Brenda's screams. I watched Minho's silhouette kick the Crank, and by that time Thomas, Frypan and I had reached them. Thomas bent down and lifted Brenda to her feet.

"Are you okay?" He screamed at her.

"Yes!" She shouted back. "Run!"

We only made it a few steps before there was another assault, but since we were all crowded together, we all fell to the forest floor. I was thrown a few feet away from Frypan and lost my grip on his arm. I kept tumbling, and tumbling... it seemed to go on forever, and that's when I realized I was going downhill. I had been thrown so far that I had fallen down a steep drop-off; one that I didn't notice as we were running.

I curled instinctively into a ball, protecting my head and my vital organs, as I had learned from my experiences in the Maze and the Scorch. There was no other choice but for me to wait until I hit the bottom.

Finally, there was an impact. I grunted in pain as I came to a stop, since I collided with a tree. I laid there for a few minutes, recollecting myself. I was dizzy. My ears were ringing, and my head throbbed. Running that hard and tumbling down the hill did not do good things to my concussion.

The Crank sounds were distant. I could tell the difference between my friends' yells and the Crank's screams. Faintly, I heard my name being called, over and over. I opened my mouth to try to respond to them, but no sound came out. Instead, I tried getting to my feet so I could make my way up the hill and back to my friends.

I couldn't move. This couldn't be happening; not now. My friends needed me. Newt needed me. What if I wasn't found, and was left behind? What if a Crank got to me while I was passed out? I had to stay awake... but my eyelids seemed to be stronger than my thoughts at that moment. My world went black. 


Thanks for waiting another month for such a short chapter, but I'm on winter break so I should be able to crank out a couple more (pun intended). Vote if you liked it!

- golden habit

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