Accepting Happiness (9)

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Long story long, Amethyst, and pretty much the whole pack, had been abandoned by the Council. I really thought that since they knew neither Dave nor Jackson would be around anymore, that the Pack would need guidance, a new leader, that they would do something.

But apparently, no help came. According to Amethyst, things just kept getting worse overtime.

Originally, those who lived in the Pack House just split up the resources and divided everything as evenly as they could. Until everything ran out. With no Alpha to trade and gather resources, and little food stockpiles, it went to shit very fast. That's when things got more chaotic, people fighting over territory and food.

Most of the people living around the territory, outside the main house, had already moved on, either trying to find a new Pack or having gone rouge. But those who lived a more privileged life, those who primarily ignored my abuse, were more reluctant to leave.

It's only been a week or so since everything went down but I guess it makes sense that when shit hits the fan, it splatters quickly. What a mess.

So, Micah, Axel, and I, are all on our way to her. We have Avory and Paul following behind us in a bus, just in case there were others who stuck around that may need help or want to come with us. I don't know how I feel about inviting those people back to Micah's place, but I'm choosing not to think about it for now.

The drive feels long. Micah's at the wheel, I'm in shotgun and Axel's in the middle of the backseat. The atmosphere feels almost a little awkward. Stiff. Seeing these usually goofy guys so silent, unsure of how to talk to me, only adds to how out of place I'm feeling.

Until Axel unclipped his seatbelt and projected himself up front, right between us, a grin on his face.

"If I have to sit in this gods awful fucking silence for even one more fucking second, I'm going to lose my mind. We're playing my track, and I won't argue about it." His movements were so fluid, muscle memory guiding him as he slid his CD in the player from the glove box that he plopped open, hitting my knees, while simultaneously giving both me and Micah pointed looks, as if to say, 'That's final.'

If my knees weren't suddenly so sore, I would have laughed at him. Instead, I offered him a pout, a glare in my eyes as I rubbed away the soreness. He laughed at me, giving Micah's shoulder a slap as he sank back into his seat. Micah only shook his head in response, a smile on his lips, his eyes never drifting from the road.

"You know, you really should be wearing a seatbelt. What if we got into an accident or something?" My voice came out more patronizing than I meant it too, Axel snorting in response.

"As someone who has spent," He paused, his eyes blowing wide as he puffed up his cheeks dramatically, "Probably too much time, in a car, with Micah behind the wheel? I can guarantee you that I'm entirely safe." The look on Axel's face became smug as he tried to meet Micah's eye in the rearview mirror.

Micah rolled his eyes, a smile on his own face as he pressed down harder on the gas, as if somehow prompted by Axel. I gulped, sitting up straighter in my seat as I looked at the side mirror to my right, the bus behind us fading slowly from view.

These two together will likely always lead to a good time, but damn do I feel dragged along for the ride.

With that thought, I let out a nervous laugh, gripping at the sides of my seat for some sense of security,

"Uhm? Micah?" My voice sounded just as nervous as my laugh, my eyes breaking away from the road in front of us and locking onto Micah's face. His lips were pulled up in a wide smile, exposing his teeth. His eyebrows were raised, excitement beaming from his eyes. That didn't help the nervousness building in my stomach as I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, my eyes blowing wide as I pushed myself farther into my seat, our speed still accelerating.

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