The Dangers of Healing (7)

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They had Lily on standby, but even Lily couldn't take this on by herself. Paul called her and told her to haul ass to the Hospital, that we would meet her there. Avory tended to Axel in the back seat with Blake.

Micah was riding shotgun; his head was still killing him as he leaned it against the window, pinching the bridge of his nose. Avory had wrapped a bandage around Axel's torso but some of the blood was still seeping through.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" Blake sat behind Paul, whose grip on the steering-wheel could be considered too tight. To face Axel properly, Blake sat with his back to the window while holding onto one of Axel's hands. Axel lay in the middle, his head in Avory's lap and legs tangled with Blake's. Avory sat mirrored to Blake, her back also against the window behind Micah as she played with Axel's hair.

"He's lost a lot of blood but as long as we get to the Hospital in one piece, he should be okay." Avory sounded calm and that reassured Blake. Her blonde hair fell into her face as she gazed down at Axel, a glint in her pale eyes.

"Why? You worried about little old me?" Axel let out a soft chuckle, squeezing Blake's hand in his with one of his eyes opened softly to peak at Blake.

Blake didn't want to admit that, yes, he is worried. Axel saved him. Blake knew it was because Micah told him to, but Axel truly made Blake feel safe, by his own right. Had risked himself, and is in this painful position because of Blake. He had Blake's respect and admiration. Maybe a bit of adoration as well...

"Maybe a little." Blake offered Axel a smile, a warm feeling in his chest that spread to his cheeks as he looked away from Axel, glancing to Micah who's resting his head against the window, his eyes drifting closed, light bags apparent under them.

What a mess the three of them were.

"Hey. Don't fall asleep." Blake sat up, rubbing Micah's shoulder with his free hand, ignoring the pain in his arm, "You took a few too many blows to the head for my comfort. Stay awake." He offered Micah a small smile, giving his shoulder a squeeze. Micah sat up a little straighter in his seat, returning Blake's tired smile.

By the time they made it to the Hospital, the sun was about to set. Lily was waiting outside, like last time, with a group of other doctors, all looking prepared for the worst.

Paul stopped the car in front of them, putting it in park before stepping out. Micah wanted to laugh; Axel having done the same thing when they brought Blake here the first time. Axel was faster though.

"Axel's been shot. Lower abdomen, left side. Micah took a few good hits to the head. Blake's condition is unknown, he's holding up okay, but I think it best if he gets checked out. His cast was removed prematurely so we might need x-rays." As Paul spoke, he opened Blake's door, helping him out and into a wheelchair a nurse had brought around. Another nurse was helping Micah out into a wheelchair of his own. The last few helping Avory load Axel onto a stretcher.

The doctors got to work quickly; Axel went in for assessment then surgery. Micah was given medication and told to eat something, to keep himself awake. Lily took Blake's wheelchair from the nurse, taking him to a private room. Blake held his breath, not ready for the questions Lily was sure to have as she wheeled him away.

She stopped him in the middle of the room, turning him to face the door before closing it behind them, leaning against it with her eyes shining a familiar glow. She didn't even need to say anything, Blake already knew what she wanted.

"If I don't have to, I don't want to talk about it." Blake avoided her eyes, uncomfortable with the emotions swirling in them as he played with his fingers in his lap, his eyes locked there.

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