memory or dream?

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The city of Troy was on fire but not even this fire was anywhere close to the fire in Alexandra's eyes. 

There she was in a pile of body's. Body's that where charred and beaten. She laed in the pile till morning. And before anyone was awake she did what she rarely knew. She ran. She ran because she was a child and she was scared. She ran to a small and charred dingy and paddled away as fast she could.  After that day she swore never to run away again.

The boat traveld for a few days amiss on the salted water. Until she felt her boat hit shore. She got out and looked for food and a shelter the a sound reached her ears. A familiar "bah"-ing sound,  like sheep. She followed it to a cave. There were some many sheep that she followed in.  The wool was soft and a little itchy. When she walked in behind all the sheep the rock that was besides the entry was rolled shut. Then she looked up, slowly as to avoid any terror to be noticed to much,  and looked straight into the eye of a giant cyclops. 

"What are you doing here human? Are you planning to steal my sheep, or my food? Perhaps you just want to steal my life." The huge thing said. "Please sir, do not kill me, I beg, I have come from the fallen city of Troy, where fires have burned it to the ground. In all the chaos I escaped. Please I already insulted my family honor once, to do it again and die would insult them even more. Please I beg, have mercy on a child and spare her life." She clasped her hands together and dropped to her knees. Only to be picked up by the cyclops in his giant hand.

"Child you are far from home, but since your troubles have done this to you I will give you shelter for a while, until I eat you or until you die, which ever one comes first. But you have to do something for me. Stay in the cave, and take care of my sheep watch them. That is my deal." She nodded her head and he set her down on a ledge above the ground but she could still climb down and take care of the sheep.

It was about a week when the cyclops left to let the sheep graze. He came back and said he was going to be with his friends for a bit and she told him to have fun and be careful. When he left he left the boulder that covered the mouth of the cave open a bit, enough for humans to easily go in and out of. If you were wondering, no he wasn't scared of her leaving. he found out quickly that she was a girl of her word. When she was taking care of the sheep she heard people talking. she quickly scrambled up onto her ledge and stayed down.

The men she heard walked into the cave. there were three men. one talked about how the cave was filled with food after a second one shot a mighty bow and killed a sheep. He had a shadow covering his face while the other two could be seen in the sliver of sun light. The third one said, "This is quiet the treat brothers." while the second just looked at him. "I dent trust this, why would the lotus eaters leave this food and not eat it themselves?" 

The thundering footsteps of the cyclops was heard, and he heaved the stone out of the way and looked at the seen before him. Shadow man's face was now illuminated. He had long hair the wasn't like the trojan's, it was long but not to his shoulders. he also had a small red thread braided into part of his hair behind his right ear. He looked familiar to her. The cyclops talked to them and said he was going to kill them for killing his sheep. when the shadow man offered him wine. he turned around to his comrades and took the sack that they had opened it drank a little and the squeezed something over it where a juice went in. The cyclops thanked him but grabed his club.

before she could even say anything he was swinging. She bolted up and started to yell but couldn't be heard over top of all the soldiers screaming. after about 20 of them had died the cyclops fell over and seemed to of died. thats when the men started to see her and then she came face to face with shadow man. 

That's when she woke up.  Panting nervously and bolting upright. "Gods curse your incessant need to show me my failures." She said getting up and walking around the castle. she grabbed a spear when she got to the courtyard and started to throw it around at the dummies the suitors had set up. she hit them most of the time. 

"Ahh, I see the great warrior has decided it best to fight the imaginary enemies." said the familiar warm voice behind her. "Oh, piss of Telemachus" "Eh I just have a question. Nightmare, memory, or dream?" "What?" "what's keeping you awake, nightmare, memory, or dream. You see for me it's a nightmare." "Wanna talk about it?" "Oh, you know the usual, dad dies on a boat in the middle pf nowhere and it's my fault." "Oh, that nightmare." 'Yup. and now im getting pressured to marry someone." "Okay no that is new to me."

Alexandra's head snapped towards him. He was going to have to marry someone, and at that most likely some princess. For some reason, deep down she hated the thought of it. Telemachus having to kiss some girl and marry her. Him devoting his time to her. probably some horrible, awful poetry that doesn't even suit the girl. And at worse, he most likely won't even know the girl. She really didnt like him having to get married. in fact she hated it.

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