The hunt.

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     Telemachus, son of the infamous Odysseus, is and only child who, other than by name, has no reaction to his father. The only thing he has of his father is a necklace with a golden charm. Sometimes the young boy will dream of his father's mighty battles. Telemachus, against his mother's best wishes, wants to be like his father. No one has Hears anything about Odysseus since the end of the war. Telemachus doesn't know if he is dead or drowned. Telemachus was twelve years old, and he had a life that is so bad that we cannot even imagine. His mother had many suitors who wanted her for their wife. Each one was prideful and vain, they never cared for Telemachus because he was not their son. His only escape from the ridicule was hunting. Telemachus was the best hunter in the kingdom even from a young age. when he wasn't studying, he was hunting. Other than hunting the boy loved stories, keep that in mind. 

     One day the boy was hunting and had set up some traps by the creek in the woods. he had the feeling that something or someone was watching him. He turned around and saw no one. he walked down the creek and looked back again. No one, he did this for a third time and that is when he saw a glimpse of brown hair pulling back behind a tree. "Revile yourself! I know you're there! I will shoot you!" said the boy with the most courage he could muster. He drew his bow and suddenly a girl came out from behind the tree. The girl looked the same age as Telemachus, twelve years of age, the only difference was that she had brown hair and almond skin. The boy could tell she was not Greek.

     "Please don't kill me! I have traveled for two long years and have been hunted. I have been sent here by the king of Ithica, Odysseus. He told me to find Telemachus!" the girl exclaimed. Telemachus but his bow down and said, "Odysseus has not been seen for twelve long years. We have no idea if he is dead or drowned. do you have proof?" "He thought you might say that he said that he remembers the necklace he gave you. That the charm looks like the gold that was spilled. That he made it when he was 9 years of age. He misses you."

       Telemachus looked at the girl. His necklace was covered by his toga. He pulled it out and looked at it. He looked back at the girl that wasn't Greek and said, "and what is your message?" "He said he was coming home. He misses you dearly. He also said to grant me refuge for I have had long and terrible journey." The girl did look deathly thin and had Mutiple bruises and cuts along her arms and legs where her cloak had failed to cover her. 

         "Follow me. Be warned the palace is a little crowded. The men I. The palace are the closest thing to swine so if the do anything to you come to me." The girl followed him meekly and she looked scared. Of what he did not know. Maybe the thought of the suitors scared her. Or maybe he scared her. He didn't want to scare the girl. His attention went to how skinny the girl was. He  was sure that even if his mother didn't let the girl stay at the palace she would at least make sure that she ha clean clothes, a good home, some warm food, and a job.

          As they entered the palace they were met with many crude remarks. some were pointed at him but they were mainly pointed at the girl. there were ones that talked about how pretty the girl was and how they were going to treat her like some of the poor house maids they had slept with. He could see the girl shrink and he instantly went into action. "Shut up! She is uncomfortable you swine!"

           Many suitors stood up and started to walk to me. I stood my ground but thankfully my mother walked in just before the first one could touch me. "Telemachus? is that you I hear my son? Oh, who is this girl you brought with you? Come children let's talk." my mother offered her hand to the girl and she started to lead her outside, gesturing for me to follow.

            "Where those suitors bothering you dear?" my mother asked in a kind voice. The girl nodded her head politely. "What is your name dear?" "Alexandra, I was house maid during the fall of troy. I came with a message and in search for work." "Ah what is your message?" "Odysseus is fighting to get back home. He has tried for two long years. He also gave me a handwritten note to give to you, my queen." She bows and hands my mother the note like she is giving an offering to the gods.

              "Telemachus, could you leave us? I need to talk to Alexandra alone." "Yes mother. I think I'm going to retire. good night mother. Good night Alexandra. come to me if the suitors do anything else." and with that I leave to my chambers with thoughts of the girl who answered to Alexandra.

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