The Handmaid

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     the suitors had been in the palace for 10 years. Telemachus and Penelope where both sick of these men who were more likely to be swine in disguise. Now another person would join in their distaste for these men. The new handmaid, Alexandra, had never met such rude men. Mutiple tried to get her to sleep with them, but she refused and would scurry away from them. Queen Penelope would always protect her from the crude comments the suitors made on her developing body. Some of these men where twice her age and looking at her with such lust that it made Zesus himself look calm.

       The other handmaids enjoyed the attention these men gave them. This made Alexandra different. What else made her different is that she could hunt almost as well as Telemachus. The only thing that she focused on was making sure she did her job and did her job right. Telemachus admired her for this and whenever the suitors got to distracted by her he would distract them so she could runaway. For some reason he got very angry whenever the suitors started to get to touchy with Alexandra. Even angrier then with his own mother.

        He comment on this to his mother one night in private. She just chuckled and murmed something under her breath about "just like his father." he didnt understand what she meant by that but he didnt want to push it.

          The things that Telemachus and Alexandrahad in common where hunting and a love for stories. Whenever Alexandra would go hunting with Telemachus, she would tell him about her adventures. Like when Troy fell and she pretended to be dead and escaped on an old piece of wood to an abended island. Or how that island actually was inhabited by Cyclopes and one of them took her to his cave and took care of her until a man came in and introduced himself as 'nobody' and then blinded the cyclops. The man, she said, was actually called Odysseus, who sent him on this mission to make sure people know he was alive.

              Something that Alexandra disliked was talking about what happened before Troy, specifically her father. Telemachus never bothered her about it and always let her tell her stories. It went on like this for a year or two but then she started to catch the suitors eyes more often. She started to have to hide for hours on end to get the creeps off of her trail. Telemachus could not get them to back away and at this point the men didn't even listen to his mother. Telemachus didn't know when but someday soon there would be trouble for Alexandra.

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