Chapter 87: Supreme Leader

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Upon seeing the Baron, it could be said that Bruce's plan had already been half successful.

Whereafter, Bruce smiled in response, "hello."

Baron Stafford sat down and motioned for Bruce to sit down as well. At this moment, the Baron seemed like he was very hospitable, and did not seem like he was the leader of a terrorist organization at all.

But Bruce didn't believe in this 'act' for a second. To be able to be in the position he was in, was impossible without being highly intelligent as well as ruthless.

This was especially because the Baron and Captain America were the same age. It was only because he had been injected with some type of genetic virus that his face had maintained its original state.

"Welcome to the base, there are many things here for you to do. But for the moment, you should have a good rest before you begin," said the Baron.

He decided not to let Bruce meet the twins right off the bat, as he didn't know Bruce's purpose in coming here. Naturally Bruce didn't mind, because he knew exactly what the Baron was worried about.

Regardless, his plan needed to be taken step by step, and this wasn't an issue.

"Apologies, I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Wolfgang Von Strucker, but you can just call me Strucker." Strucker introduced himself, but did not shake hands with Bruce.

Bruce didn't mind that either and immediately responded, "Bruce Lite."

After their introductions, Strucker whispered something to his men before turning around and leaving. He had only come here to reaffirm Bruce and maybe get a feel for him.

Although the twins were currently in an unstable state, he would still not let Bruce instantly come into contact with them. He was a very cautious man, but Bruce didn't reveal anything through his expression.

Loki's scepter contained the Mind Gem, and the superpowers created using that power would all be unstable to a certain extent.

Moreover before that, the twins were merely ordinary people, so alongside the side effects of the Mind Gem, the twins would definitely experience a sudden loss of control one day. And that day, would be the perfect day for Bruce to take action.

After Baron Strucker left, Bruce laid down on his bed and relaxed. He knew that no matter what action he took now, there would always be people watching his every movement.

Therefore, in order to temporarily dispel their doubts, he had to put on a perfect act and not do anything for a period of time.

In reality, even if he was not being constantly monitored, he would still have a lot of time to kill before 'that' day came.

According to the progression of the plot, the plot of Captain America 2 was about to begin. And after that, followed the 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' and the Sokovia War.

When that time came, he would need to simply let Iron Man produce Ultron, and he would be in line with the direction of the plot.


He had been waiting around for seven days straight now, and during these seven days, a special group of people would bring him food.

His movements hadn't been restricted at all, he was even allowed to enter and leave the base at will. His only limitation was that he wasn't allowed access to some crucial places, which was understandable.

Bruce knew very well what HYDRA was doing right now, so he wasn't in a hurry to begin what he 'came here to do' and was instead taking his time.

And as he thought, during these seven days, Strucker and Dr. List had been observing Bruce's behavior. But so far, they had not found any abnormalities, no matter how small.

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