Chapter 75: Hail HYDRA

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This kind of power was something that Bruce had never touched before.

Before this, he had felt the changes in his flesh when he downloaded Black Widow's Anti-aging Gene and Captain America's Super Serum Gene.

However, this time it was different, Bruce could clearly feel that every cell in his body was undergoing metamorphosis. Moreover, it wasn't just any ordinary metamorphosis.

Each cell contained a strong electric current, it directly came from his internal organs and then passed towards the exterior. Every cell and pore in Bruce's body was changing under this kind of electric current .

Nevertheless, because the current was so small, outsiders couldn't feel anything at all.

However, if he wanted to, he could easily release the real power of the thunder and lightning right now.

This power of thunder and lightning wasn't merely ordinary electricity, it was extraordinarily similar to the thunder and lightning produced by nature.

Whether it be by voltage or power, it was far beyond any ordinary electric current.

Bruce was even able to feel that as long as he wanted to, he could immediately let the whole sky darken with the formation of his new abilities.

This ability was definitely beyond the realm of humans, it was a true super ability.

Although he used more than five thousand points of energy value due to its cost, it was absolutely worth it.

After owning such a strong ability, his strength would definitely increase amazingly.


Just at this moment, the elevator reached the first floor.

"We plan to go out and celebrate after S.H.I.E.L.D. takes over the Tesseract. Will you come with us?"

Iron Man sent the invitation to Bruce .

In retrospect, Bruce had already become someone at the same level as him..

This was what strength brought him.

If Bruce was still only a small third-level agent, Iron Man and the other superheroes would have definitely not treated Bruce like this.

It was also because of Bruce's performance during this New York War that led Captain America and the others to recognize his capabilities.

"No, I have other things to do."

Bruce's answer had slightly disappointed Hawkeye and the others. However, they didn't force him, after finishing their greeting with Bruce, they left.

Bruce looked at their backs as they left the vicinity, after doing so, he readied himself to return to the Avengers' base that S.H.I.E.L.D. established secretly before. There were still many things that he needed to do.

"Are you Bruce? Bruce Lite?" Just as Bruce was about to leave, a voice resounded out.

It was a white man in a suit, following behind him were several level six or seven agents. Bruce could easily tell at a glance that these were S.H.I.E.L.D. people. However, he had seen none of these people before.

"Yes, yes I am." Bruce looked at the leading white male, his face still kept his ever-calm expression.

The lead-man seemed to be in a high position. When he looked at Bruce, there was a sense of scrutiny or even disdain in his eyes.

Now that Bruce had a close look, he actually knew this person, he was the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander Pierce.

At the same time, he was also one of HYDRA's people.

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