Chapter 72: Iron Man's Shock, Using Nuclear Weapons

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Although the early Avengers were not as powerful as the ones shown in the later movies, at the very least, there were three big shots here at present.

Under Captain America's commands, their plan went in perfect order.

Bruce's continued firepower in the sky reduced a lot of pressure on the ground.

The two members with the most powerful combat capabilities of the early Avengers were Hulk and Thor.

Hulk owned such great strength, moreover, his skin was so indestructible that almost no attack could crack it.

His strength alone could only be owned by war beasts, it was so terrifying.

As for Thor, he by himself was powerful enough, plus, with his ability to control lightning. In just a short period of time, he directly killed hundreds of Chitauri.

This made Bruce feel extremely envious. The skill of controlling lightning was indeed very powerful.

And so, with the goal of downloading this skill, Bruce started to slaughter the Chitauri even more crazily in order to collect enough energy value.

Only in this way, could he obtain more powerful skills.

Moreover, going by his guess, the integration of the function of skills would turned on once the plot of the ''Marvel's The Avengers'' was over.

This was his most wishful function, it could integrate all of his present skills.

This would ensure that he could become more powerful.

As time went on, the fighting became more and more intense.

The huge alien creatures were constantly coming through the portal and brought destruction in its wake throughout New York City.

No one knew exactly how many people died in this war. After all this was over, this New York War will have a huge impact on the whole of the city.

Of course, none of this had much to do with Bruce .

He didn't really care as to how many people would die today.

As the fighting grew more, the cooperation of the Avengers' unit also became more and more tacit.

Amongst them, Thor was the best, his lightning powers were indeed extremely useful as he was also the one killing the most enemies in exception to Bruce.

"Stark, did you give Bruce that armor?"

Thor asked, he was shocked by Bruce who was killing Chitauri in the air.

This was, in fact, unilateral slaughter, moreover, it seemed that the guy never grew tired.

"No, his armor was developed by himself. Maybe this is his super skill."

Iron Man replied. As all of the first Avengers thought that Bruce had his own super skill.

Just exactly what the super skill entailed, they didn't know.

But anyways,what Bruce did to relieve their combat stress was more than enough for them at present.

Now, the battlefields had formed four areas. The first was Hulk, he was constantly colliding the various buildings. His strength was extremely great, however, he could only hit them one by one..

The second was Iron Man, his armor allowed him great combat power.

However, he didn't have the Spidey Sense like Bruce, plus,, plus the Chitauri were really too crazy as they attack with the intent of giving their lives.

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