Chapter 79: The Ten Rings

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The plot of Iron Man III had officially begun.

Meanwhile, as Fury took a look at the screen, he saw Iron Man's villa being attacked. This was no 'ordinary' attack, as no matter how he looked at it, this was clearly an organized and planned terrorist attack.

Fury then explained to Bruce what had happened the past few days.

After the New York War ended, Thor had instantly returned to Asgard. Dr. Banner on the other hand, because of his terrifying destructive power which he had little control of, chose to stay in a secret location only known to the senior members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This was also a kind of disguised protection for him.

Iron Man however, hardly went out of his properties during this time, as his armor had been greatly damaged and was in urgent need of repair.

This period of time when Iron Man was at his weakest, had proven to be a huge opportunity to a certain group who had abducted him a long time ago, also known as the Ten Rings.

The leader of this group was rumored to be named Mandarin, and he named the organization based off of the number of rings on his hands.

However unlike what Bruce had read in the books, this Mandarin character didn't have Chinese ancestry. Regardless, the Ten Rings he had founded was a very powerful terrorist organization, and they had carried out many operations throughout the years.

And precisely this powerful terrorist organization had recently set their sights on Iron Man, or more accurately, it was Mandarin that had chosen him.

Almost immediately after, Iron Man had announced that he would fight against them to the bitter end. And as a consequence to this announcement, Mandarin had bombed Iron Man in every sense of the word.

During the bombing, Iron Man had used the Mark Armor to make a last stand, but because of the attack being too sudden, Iron Man had finally lost and had disappeared from the public eye.

This was the most important event that had happened in recent times, second only to the New York War of course.

Because of the timing of the attack, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't have enough people to deal with this, as they still had to rebuild New York along with a lot of other things.

Completely helpless for the current matter, Fury went to Bruce, as if they wanted to find where Iron Man was located now, Bruce was the most optimal candidate.

"So, does Mr. Fury want me to handle this?" Bruce sat down, his face utterly calm despite the situation.

No one knew more about the future then him, so he wasn't really interested in saving Iron Man. After all, Iron Man didn't need anyone's rescue at all, as he himself was his own savior.

The only thing that interested Bruce currently was the man behind this attack, Mandarin, as well as the puppet master that manipulated everything from behind the scenes – Aldrich Killian.

This was the task that the system had given him, and there was only half a month remaining before the time limit of the task ran out.

But what truly surprised Bruce was the rate of which the plot was developing. He only had half a month left and he was this far into the plot, truly too fast.

Iron Man had presumably already developed his armor during this half a month, and his latest innovation should be the Mark 11 Armor!

The thing that made Iron Man so powerful was precisely the fact that he had a frighteningly developed brain.

But Bruce could understand why he had been madly developing his armor all the time. It was only natural for him to know, as he himself was the reason that Iron Man felt pressured to make a better armor!

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