[Book geeks] Moon x Europa (UranusIsHere)

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(I swear to god this goes against my Tuna shipping ahh but again- requests are requests. Very long overdue- irl problems but im gud now. Also I physically cant write Io x Callisto Im sorreh ;-;)

"Hey Moon! Do you know where Earth is?"

Moon looked up, surprised by the sudden voice breaking the silence. He put down the book he was reading, only to see Europa. He felt heat creep onto his face, but shook it off.

"Uh, no- no. Not really. I'm pretty sure he's near Mars's orbit though."

He answered, looking back into his book to avoid eye contact. Europa had caught his eye ever since he saw her. Her surface was as bright as her personality, the ridges criss-crossing her surface giving her an eccentric yet pretty look.

"Oh, alright.. Say, do you want to go look around?"

She asked, a small smile forming as she spoke. The cratered moon scratched the side of his head.

"Us? Um, yeah, sure."

Moon agreed, to which Europa grinned, being aloof as always, making him return a smile. Putting his book away, he floated up to Europa.

"So, lets get looking?"

He asked, and Europa nodded.

"Alright, so Mars's orbits closer to the asteroid belt so..."

Moon began to lead her to near the asteroid belt. But the silence was a bit awkward. One of them had to make conversation, to break the silence.

"So.. hows it like being a single moon?"

Europa asked, causing Moon to glance at her, before looking up ahead- before looking at her again, confusion plastered over his face

"What do you mean?"

"Well, being the only moon for a planet.. I just wanted to know- since er... the other moons can be kind of.. Tiring."

She said, muttered, as he nodded, understanding the question.

"Well uh... its good. But lonely sometimes. The only other moons are Phobos and Deimos and I think theyre crazy.."

He chuckled, the tension between them lifting slightly.

"Anyway, do you like reading?"

The ice-covered moon nodded, and replied,

"Yeah, what was that book you were reading, anyway?"

The larger perked up, able to be finally share and talk about his interests with somebody else.

"Its 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'. Have you heard of it?"

He asked, and she shook her head.

"Nope. Could you tell me about it?"

Moon nodded, looking ahead now, to make sure they weren't going off-track.

"Well, its about a colony of earthlings on my surface, revolting against the earthlings on Earth for being absent during its rule."

"That seems interesting,"

She giggled, and the ice between them broke apart, as they began to suggest books that the other could read, giving tid bits of information of said books, discussing different authors and their thoughts of Greek Mythology.

They both agreed it was weird.

But after some time, they spotted the blue and green marble that was Earth, chatting- or trying to talk with Mars.

"So we uh... found him."

Moon stated, the fact being obvious.

"Yep! You know, it was quite fun talking to you! I might come over just to continue talking about War of Worlds."

She said cheerfully, Moon chuckling nervously, and nodding.

"Yeah- dont forget to lend me Critical Mass, alright?"

"I wont, dont worry!"

(So um. I may have been high on ship edit audios while writing this- Europa might be a bit OOC since she doesnt have enough screentime I can base her off- hope you enjoyed. 586 words!!)

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