[Best Friends?] Earth-Mercury

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(Request! Yalls im on the school laptop since my laptop began smoking and nearly combusted so u h yeah. Slower updates until I get my laptop back. But anywayyyyyyy this is longer overdue. Other alt ending which was requested coming soon-

A solarflare cut through space, as the two rocky planets tumbled about from the intensity. The high pitched, terrified screams were barely audible over the blast of the flare. Earth yelped as Mercury grabbed him and pulled him farther from the flare, as to not have the Earth's life burn up.

Back on Earth, people were very confused why you could see auroras all the way down in Beijing. AND OH LORD THEY COULDNT CONTACT THE SATELLITES- *insert panic*

The two planets finally stopped running, at the edge of Earth's orbit, and said planet groaned, holding his head.

"Agh... jeez my head is ringing-"

He mumbled, shaking his head, as the cratered planet panted heavily, trying to catch his breath, before chuckling slightly.

"I havent felt... that much.. Adrenaline in so long..."


Earth turned to look at Mercury, and he noticed Earth's confused expression. They kept eye contact for a while, before Earth said;

"Dont you generally run from the solar flares?"

Mercury shuddered slightly, but replied.

"Well, they are mainly aimed at me so I dont have enough time to dodge it. And even so, I guess Im used to them- no matter how much I hate them."

He groaned, as Earth felt a bit of pity. Without being hit, Earth felt like he was melting- and that was with his magnetic field protecting him. If Mercury was constantly being blasted, with no protection and being that close... yeesh- Earth didnt even want to think about it. Was it better or worse than tectonic activity or continental drift?

"Woah... you uh- good then?"

He asked, as Mercury shrugged.

"Eh, Im sick of it- wait. What about your earthlings?"

Mercury asked curiously, looking at Earth. Earth scoffed, meeting Mercury's gaze.

"Well, my magnetic field protects me and my life from radiation- much like a kind of shield. It moves the radiation up to my poles, which is why the auroras appear. So we're fine, only thing happening is global warming and heating of my atmosphere, buuuuut my Earthlings had that coming."

Earth explained, as Mercury nodded, his mouth forming a small 'o' shape.

"Well uh- good to know you are uh... protected from the sun's solar flares!"

Earth could see Mercury holding his tongue on something, but decided not to mention it- even if they were friends, he wouldn't want to pry too much. There was some awkward silence.

"Soooooooooo uh, Mercury."

Earth began- albeit a bit awkwardly. Mercury turned to face him.


"So uhhh you know how we're friends?"

Mercury's eyes went half lidded, and sighed.

"Earth, if its a request or somethin Im not-"

Earth's eyes widened, shaking his head,

"No no no! I meant to uh- ask something else."

Earth said, as Mercury stared at him with a look of curiosity. Earth kept eye contact, before suddenly breaking it, and continued.

"And I dont have a best friend... so uh, do you wanna be best friends?... Please?"

Earth smiled awkwardly, not knowing if Mercury would accept the offer or not. Mercury looked at him with a neutral expression, before cracking a smile.

"I- uh... sure."

(Wooooooooooooooo finally done istg- this was a good writing practice. Although it took all my creative writing juices and I wasnt able to write for the prompt in english class- and the other ending might take u h, son time. I am unsure how to write a yandere character- much more that being MARS- but Ill try. Also am I capturing their personalities correctly? 625 words yeyyyyyy

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