[Its feeling cold...] Pluto Angst

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Pluto wandered through out the asteroid belt. He felt cold, numb, exhausted. Where was Charon when you needed her?... Nevermind, he left her with Eris. He remembered that he found her annoying, and Eris offered to look after Charon for the while he would have his alone time. Don't get him wrong- Pluto liked his alone time. It was just... it had been too long.

"Hello? Anybody there?"

He called out hopefully. Was there anybody who's orbit was nearby? His hopes weren't that high at all, orbits in the Kuiper belt were pretty far, and they all took quite the long time to orbit. He groaned, looking around. Through the mass of asteroids, he could see the rest of the planets in their orbits.

Pluto let out a sigh. Why was he demoted to being a dwarf planet? Just because his orbit wasn't clear? It was that Eris's fault... wait- what if Eris took Charon? What if he could never see her again?... no, he found Charon annoying, and they WERENT binary planets!... but he missed her- and being in a binary planet would be better than being a dwarf planet.

Just because he was dwarf planet! He was cast out from the other planets- teased for... he let out a grumble. It was all that Eris's fault! If she hadn't been discovered- if she didn't have a smaller diameter than him but more mass! No, it's that Earths fault! For being the one who DEMOTED HIM! He felt his breathing get heavy and ragged, as he felt anger boil underneath his icy crust.

He scrunched his eyes in frustration, punching an asteroid nearby, smashing it to pieces. He felt angry, frustrated. Why didn't anybody want to listen? Another asteroid broken to fragments. Neptune was there! One voice in his tried to reason, but the more violent voice washed it out, drowning out the peaceful voice. Neptune was an idiot! 

The maddened dwarf planet continued on his rampage of asteroids, taking out his rage, thinking of everybody who caused him harm. Eris, Charon, Neptune, Earth-... himself. He punched the last asteroids, panting heavily, before tears slowly began to form in his eyes. He hated himself. For being smaller than everybody else, for being weak.

He wiped away his tears, which were already ice by the time they lay on his hand. He couldn't cry- he was strong. Crying was weakness. Dwarf planets are weak. And he wasn't weak. He chanted this to himself in his mind, but as he stared, at the ice, he pondered, was he really weak? And why was it ice when it felt so hot? 

"I hate myself..."

He murmured slowly, before looking around him. All the asteroids were broken. Oh.. he looked at it in fear. Was this why others didn't want to talk to him? Because he was so violent? No, it's because he was a dwarf planet! No- he IS a planet. HE IS!

But the earthlings wouldn't change their mind on that. He sniffled, as the hotness from the rage from before slowly left his body. Stupid earthlings- only if they didn't exist... he felt the coldness creep into his body, before starting to sob again

"It's cold..."


Aaaa- I didn't have much ideas for this sorry! Anyway word count 527 is and cyaaa

Solarballs ONESHOTS cuz yesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon