[Hey there!] Earth-Mercury

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(Request! Also this could be considered as a part 2 to the Earth angst but let's go! Also yes I made that video above it's a simulation au. Don't mention my Wattpad there lmao)

"Hey Mercury!"

Mercury turned around to look at who called his name. It was.. Earth? What was he doing here? They weren't that close actually, and rarely interacted. The only times they did were when Mars or Venus were around. Which... they were not.

"Uh, hi Earth. What are you doing in my orbit? Isn't it too hot?"

He asked, tilting his head. Normally at this area, it was too hot to sustain life- it generally was Mercury going near his orbit, rather than Earth coming to his. He scoffed slightly.

"Oh, the heat? I can handle it. But the reason I'm here is to ask you something!"

Mercury suddenly felt a bit distrusting of Earth. He didn't know what it was, but his mantle was telling him that he shouldn't interact with him. He slowly began to float away, but not obviously so.

"Uh.. sure, what is it? And aren't you normally with Venus?"

He asked, tilting his head in confusion. He had overheard that he and Mars stopped becoming friends, and Earth was friends with Venus instead. But all he got was a small wince, but Earth attempted to cover it up with a chuckle

"Venus? Oh, him and I are off now. But not to delay my question-"

Earth cleared his throat, as Mercury was left with even more questions now. What happened between them? He seen the fight between Venus and Mars, but didn't know anything much further than that.

"Would you like to hang out with me?"


"Just think of it! The two of us- you, Mercury, with me, the best planet! The one who can host life!"

"Isn't that life killing you-"

"So, what do you say?"

Mercury looked at Earth with a look of wariness. He didn't really answer his question, and seemed a bit toxic.. but what could he say? Hanging out with an actual planet and not be bullied by Venus? He still debated it.

"I might need some time to think on it.."

"Oh come on, I'm pretty sure I'm much better than the sun!"

"SHH- the sun might hear you! And he will get reaaaaaally mad.."

Mercury quickly neared Earth to shut him up, knowing how angry he could get. And what the Sun could do when he was mad. Earth also nodded, doing the motion of zipping up his lips

"Oh, did I hear something Earth? Because I CAN FRY THOSE EARTHLINGS-"

"OH NO-"



407 words, honestly had no ideas for this, tried my best. Anywayyyyyy uh, in my new school (it's a boarding school) I am unable to- to uh use certain websites/apps. Wattpad is one of them- it's blocked so we can't access it. Ima try using a VPN and try getting here- in the meantime I'll be writing the requests in docs and copy paste here. Keep requesting!

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