Chapter 23

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Karishma ( POV )

I had to change the bandage since my wound was bleeding. Those ankle bells have scratched my wounded skin and now it hurts more.

Have to bring a new dinning table...that one is not safe for kids. I have take tetanus shot too..since my cut was from a nail that was poking out of the table.

As I finished and was about to go out I saw Aditi standing infront of me. Her eyes on my bandage. " Its fine sweetheart dont worry about it. " I told her. " Thats why you were hoping like a were hurt. " she said in her soft voice.

" oh no ! Its a small cut...nothing will happen. Lets go and enjoy the program. " I told her and together we joined others. Arav was in my mummy's lap happy waving his hands and playing with her.

Gungun is sitting with muffin in her hand happily chewing like a hamster, Akash and my father are happily chatting about the puppet show they're showing.

Aditi sat next to mother while I sat with Aditya. " How is your leg? " he asked me. " Its all good don't worry. " I told him. My mommy passed me some muffins...well must say she is the best baker in the world.

" You did so well darling. " said mother to Aditi. " Thank you " she replied nicely. " You looked just liked your mom." Said Aditya to make Aditi happy. " For a change...I think I looked more like beautiful today. " she said looking at me and her words have made my day.

We watched some more performance and than it was time. The principle of the school Mrs Mary Jones " Respected Judges, teachers, parents and my dear students, I know we had to change the program date for the upcoming board exams in school...which has given you less time to prepare all have done a splendid performance and if it was upto me than I would have made everyone winner but winner has to be one. So I have names of the students in my hands..." she said taking some cards out.

she called out several names for several category and than it was time. Aditi was already on my lap praying with her hands folded and eyes closed. I kissed her forhead to calm her down a little. " we all know no pair can be more beautiful than a pair of mother and daughter and today we have seen some outstanding performances by them. And the mother and daughter pair who came first in the event is...." she paused trying to keep the atmosphere tensed.

" karishma and Aditi sharma...." said principal mam and Aditi jumped out of happiness. " we did it...beautiful we did it. " she said. " we request them to come in the stage and collect their prizes. " said principle mam.

I climed in stage with Aditi, we took the prize together. Our whole family stood to clap for us. Aditi looked at them with pride. She took her prize from her principal, we posed for pictures and than came down the stage.

After that we took many pictures with our family and with a fine lunch we came back home. And yes on the way I took my injection...which is an embarrassing story. Well, I told confidently that I need an injection but I am sooo scared of them. I insisted my mom to accompany me...but she had an Aditya took me.

Aditi was with us...I had to act normal but the shiny tip of the injection was making me nervous. I grabbed Aditya's shirt tightly....he first looked confused than knew what was happening.

Aditi holding my hand said " Its okay...dont worry..dont be scared. " and Aditya laughed. Even my daughter knows I am scared of injections...thats embarrassing.

My parents went home and mother took Akash and gungun for spending some time together. I went in Aditi's room and together we placed her prize in her shelf with her real mother's picture in it.

" Thank you " she slowly whispered to me. " why? " I asked her. " you supported me, practiced with me, helped me win, you had to take an injection too...but still you were with thank you. " she told me.

" you're welcome darling. " I told her kissing her forhead. She giggled like a little girl and somehow I know I passed a test.

After sometimes we had our dinner and Aditi sat in my room playing with Arav. I sat with them with my phone....Aditya has recorded our performance and I have send it to my sister to see...and she has send a series of messages. so I decided to chat with her.

Roshni : oh my god ! my niece dances sooo well....and sister your moves are sooo good.

Roshni : Posting it on my fabolus sister...we should dance together and post it.

Roshni : You guys won....sister asking for a treat...dont forget. congratulate my niece on my behalf.

Me : Oh my god sister that was too much. I mean yes Aditi was awesome...but I was average.

Me : You posted it.....sister people will say your sister is ugly and using you as a stepping stone to climb up in ladder.

Roshni : As if....I will see who tries to talk liked that about my sister. Elder sister will protect you.

Myself : with you I am safe. About party....we are having party tomorrow...sister why dont you come in our house.

Roshni : will it be Alright?

Myself : one have to take step sister or the problem wouldnt solve between the families. Just ask and see.

Roshni  : Dad wouldn't agree....and Zen...will it be alright?

Myself ( Have to inject emotional drama ) : Sister I got hurt before the competition...had to take a tetanus shot. I will be going to sleep early. It's so troublesome hand  hurts.

Roshni : will 10 oclock work...or I need to come little early...its not late hang on I will be their right now.

Myself : sister calm down....tommorow 10 0' clock sounds great.

Roshni : Okay...sleep early..good night. Call me if you need anything I am here for you.

Myself : 💖💖💖💖 okay, goodnight

Roshni : Good night 💖💖💖

I placed the phone down my hands and legs are paining. I need to sleep early. As I stood to send Aditi in her bed she said " can I sleep with you beautiful?  " And thars her first request how can I say no to that. " okay " I told her and she jumped in my lap....ouch ! my hand....but I am too greedy for that hug so its okay.

Aditiya ( POV )

As I walked in the room the lights were out and all were sleeping peacefully. Aditi was in karishma's embrace, gungun beside her, and Akash on side guarded with a pillow so he doesnt fall off. Arav sleeping in his little crib.

No place for this lonely Dad.... I removed the pillow and lied beside Akash...what he may fall down..have to protect my boy. And I have to buy a big bed for our large family. If we are going to sleep like this than we do need a large family bed.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now