chapter 6

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Karishma ( POV )

I packed all the Ids and certificates that karishma has...not that she has much. But that would be enough for me. She got really low marks in school , I wonder how she even passed.

Her room contains more expensive dress than certificates..true princess I see. While I was worrying about studies and job she was buying designer shoes and expensive bags .

Arav woke up from his little nap and got really cranky for sometimes. I had to  walk with him around the room. His diper is full...thats the main problem.

I changed Arav's diaper and now he is playing in the bed with his favourite giraffe . He is obsessed with the toy and gets totally angry if you try to get it from him. Snow had to put him to sleep before washing the toy for him.  This little one is quite naughty and playful.

" Mummy..." I heard gungun call and the whole team with snow and mom got inside. Snow is holding a tray with cup cakes in it and the children's are a sight with flour in their faces and noses making them look super funny.

" oh my all look so cute. Let mummy take pictures. " I said and clicked some pictures. " Don't make fun of me. " said Aditi being annoyed..I am messing with them so its okay.

" sorry sorry let mummy fix it for you all." I said and helped them clean up with wet tissues . " Here now you're looking nice and clean. " I told throwing the tissues in the dustbin.

"See I bawked cup cakes..." Said gungun in her own way. " wow thank you baby. " I told and took one from the tray . Its chocolate cup cake one of my favourite. I ate some and said " umm delisious...thank you."I gave a kiss to gungun . "Even I helped. " came a little voice , Akash told that heart.

" Really you boy is so smart thank you. " I told and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. He got little shy , how cute. " I helped granny mix everything. " said Aditi in a whisper. " oh ! Thank you too. You're such a good elder sister . " I said Aditi and gave her a kiss too. She looked like it didn't matter but her ear tips turns red.

" Go share it with grandpa and Dad , and than with snow play in the garden. Granny wants to talk with mommy. " said my mother and they left with snow , just Arav stayed back who refused to leave me.

" I see you have very nicely settled with your kids and new husband. I am so happy for you darling. " said Mother with a soft loving tone. A tone which is still a luxury for me. " I am trying my best ....I know I have done so much wrong . I was spoiled and thought I can get love by force but being with the kids I have realised that we cant get love by force. So now I am more at peace. "I replied her.

" That mean you forgave your sister ? " she asked . " She didn't knew my love for zen and married him. And since I moved on I am not angry with her. But she married in my family and their is a conflict between Aditya's mother and father and with that going on I cant meet with her in her house. But I will contact with her as soon as possible. " I ensured her about that.

" It almost like you grew up in a week....tell mummy correctly are you happy ? " she asked holding my hands. " Trust me I am happy. " I told and before she could say anything Arav wanted attention and we couldn't talk more.

8: 30 p.m

We eat our lunch with our family and had so much fun with them. Mummy made lots of delicious dishes and she literally fed me with her hands like I am child. At one point I literally shouted " Mom , I am not a kid anymore...I have kids. " . And she laughed at it saying " For a mother her child never grows up will understand oneday. " and continued her work.

" yes you can have dozen of kids but still be my baby girl." Said Dad , me and Aditya gave each other an awkward glance ....not on me being ' baby girl ' but the mention of dozen of kids. That's defiantly not happening between us...although I wouldn't mind but he would so nope not happening. 

She also fed all the children's and filled their pockets with lots of chocolates ...she is such a good grandmother.  Aditi may not think me as her mother but she loved my patents and did accept them as her grandparents. Since her real mothers  parents are no more she loved my parents and promised them to visit often.

  Dad had a good time with Aditya , he won two games and he is too proud about it. They talked about sports and his garden. Dad played train with the kids. He even played horse - horse with Gungun. I enjoyed a pleasant chat with him.

Aditi , Akash and gungun were exhausted and they slept as soon as they climbed in the car seat. In order to let them sleep in peace I laid them in the back seat with snow to monitor them. I climbed in the first seat with Aditya.  

I sat with Arav in my lap and since he had taken a nap before he is in playful mode. " kids were really happy today...thank you so much."said Aditya. This is literally the second time he talked with me without any thing thats related to kids...well not entirely.

" I am glad that they liked it. Hope dad didn't bore you much. " I asked him . "No on second thought I enjoyed his company. I heard your sister married zen. " he didnt ask but that name made me jump a little.

" yes she did , and she is very happy with him. I am planning to meet her on a cafe and congratulate her in person .  " I answered but he said nothing do they have any family conflict ? Only god knows whats going on here.

" You wanted to buy books do you want me to stop by the next book store ? " he asked , he remembered that's so sweet of him. Give me some stones I want to kill the original owner now. " Its late and kids are really tired I dont think they will appreciate a library tour now. I will get them some other day. " I answered and he nodded.

We reached home pretty early. Snow carried Arav and I carried Gungun in my lap , and Aditya carried both Akash and Aditi... my strong man. I cant stop myself and admire on particularly everything that he good.  we all walked in with the sleeping children's .

Mother saw us getting back but didn't say anything since she didn't wanted to wake the kids up. She whispered good night and went in her room. Aditya took Arav with him . I told snow to put out fresh night dress for the kids. I gave them each  sponge bath and changed their clothes for them.

I laid them in their bed and took gungun in my room. She for sometimes woke up from all the shifting and was little cranky but I put her back in sleep. Now I have to get Arav from Aditya and well putting him to sleep is a huge task but will do it.

I walked towards Arnav room and knocked it. He opened the door and I saw Arav playing in the bed. " I came to take him. " I told him. "Oh ! He will be sleeping here tonight. " said Aditya. And instantly I was like ' no he is not sleeping here Mr ' but I swallowed that. I mean he is his father after all. But I cant sleep without him now but anyways I wished him good night and came back in my room. Gungun is sleeping peacefully ....its going to be a longggg night.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now