Chapter 9

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Karishma ( POV )

We ate our lunch outside. After coming home Aditi and Akash went to change and than take their afternoon nap. Gungun and Arav are already sleeping in my room. I gave snow Aditi and Akash's books to deliver it to them.

I placed my book on the shelves and changed into comfortable dress. Aditi's words are echoing in my head. What did she mean by I don't love them ? I mean she doesn't like my being around her so I give space but do I really don't pay much attention to her ?

Its so hard to a mother. Shout out to all the mothers who are doing their job so well. I could never do that work on my own. Understanding children's is such a difficult work I tell you.

A beep in my phone brought me out of my thoughts. Its a message from my elder sister.  I clicked on the message :

Roshni : Maa told me that you want to meet with me ? Choti ( little sister )I am soo happy. Lets meet someday.

Myself : yes , let's meet for lunch someday didi . But we cant meet in my house neither at your place.

Roshni : You want to meet for lunch...I am so happy Choti. I am so happy that you want to meet with me.

Myself : But not this week Didi I am bit busy this week. My daughter  has a competition this week. Didi how about we meet next week ? I want to talk with you about something important.

Roshni :  Choti... even I have shooting this week. Next week it is . lets meet at ' Ice cream and more ' and talk a lot.

Myself : Alright. See you Didi.

Roshni : see you Choti...mishti  ❤❤❤.

Myself : ❤❤❤.

We did some emoji chatting and ended our conversation. To know what happened to Aditiya parents I have to talk with her. But right now thats not my concern. Right now my main concern is how will I learn baking ? I almost burned the kitchen down. But I cant stop practising ...have to learn that skill for my daughter.

Aditya ( POV )

It took sometime but I have finished all my files now I can rest a bit. I took titli's picture from my table. Titli my ex wife who gave me lots of love and such amazing kids. I still love her and I dont think I can ever love anyone else.

But I am sure even she would want a good future for our kids. " know why I married again . And trust me our kids are really happy....not Aditi. She is stubborn like me wouldn't love anyone else apart from you. But rest assured that the kids are in good hands. And I wouldnt give your place to anyone else. " I told her and put her picture back in the table.  

I should probably sleep but I am feeling thirsty and the water bottle in my room is empty. Well lets go in the kitchen and grab a glass of water. As I walked towards the kitchen I saw the lights are on and Karishma is sitting on the floor with her head between her legs covered by her hands.

My heart skipped a beat , Is she unwell ? Is she not feeling good ? I rushed to her side. " Karishma are you alright ? Whats wrong ? Come lets go to the hospital . " I said tugging her arm. She looked up with eyes full of tears....her pitiful gaze made me sad. I have seen her eyes playful , happy , naughty ....but never sad. She hugged me and started crying. She cried pitifully as I stroked her back. She is fine....just upset. And trust me if its a person who made her that sad....he /she may not see the day of light tomorrow.

" whats wrong ? " I asked her , she didn't replied for long but than said in a slow voice " I am such a horrible mother....such bad person. I don't deserve such lovely children's....I don't deserve anything. " But I think she is doing an amazing job. Gungun and Arav are so happy , even Akash likes her...Aditi ..Is she upset for her ? That can be the reason.

" you're not bad...your trying and I am sure you will get it soon. And aditi don't worry I am sure she will like you soon. " I tried to comfort her.  She stopped crying looked up and said " I am not upset for that Aditya. I can understand her point. She has spent so much time with her mother.. Its hard for her to think anyone as her mother. And I respect that , I don't want her to feel that her views are not respected enough. " she said , than whats the problem ? Why is she upset ? She sensed the question in my look and continued.

" She has not accepted me as her mother ...fine I will be their for her as a friend. I will not let her feel unloved. As for Gungun she has accepted me as her mother ...she wanted me to be part of an event with her and what did I do...messed up. I cant even bake a cake for her. " she cares so much about my children's. 

" Mother wanted to go for her regular checkup...I should have went with her but I forgot about it. Aditi's school has organized a parent teacher meeting but since I am so careless...I didn't check her diary and missed it. Her teachers wants to meet me after the baking competition....I am such a unorganized person. I messed up. " she said and started crying again. 

Moms regular checkup date , Aditi's parents meet....even I didnt knew about it. Since titli left I myself have become so disorganized will she do so much when she is all alone in this battle. Yes , I may not love her but can help her as a friend. After all its my family too. " karishma ...dont cry...please. " I told her and she suddenly realized something and moved away from me saying " sorry " but I didn't mind.

" Its okay..." I comforted her " Karishma...I am sorry. Its not your fault. Its my fault too.. I am so busy outside that I hardly give time to my family. But now I will rectify myself and together we can make everything alright...our relationship didnt have a name...lets name it. Will you be my friend ? " I asked her holding out my hand. She looks surprised but she nodded shaking my hand.

" Now everything will be alright don't worry. Together we can do it. " I promised her. Now she looked at me with a smile and her twinkling eyes....and well never mind.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now