Chapter 11

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Karishma ( POV )

" They taste so good did a good job. " said Aditya to gungun while eating his cake. " Thank you dad......I just helped made them. " she said cutely.

" And thats why they are extra special cause you helped me made them ." I told her. " Have you taken your lunch ? " I asked Aditya. He looked up at the piled up files and than told " Not yet. " It must be really hard for him working all day .

" How about we go in my mothers house ? Akash and Aditi are over their...we can eat lunch and bring them back. " I asked him , he thought about it for sometime than told " Okay. But before that let me show you my office....its your first time being here.  " he said and picked gungun up. Well how can I say no to such tempting offer , I nodded and together we came out.

That assistant who tried to stopped me earlier signed me to wait when Aditya wasn't watching and told " I didn't know you were telling truth....madam please forgive me." She pleaded me with pitiful eyes. Now I am not here to make things  difficult for her. So I told her " Its okay...but next time do double checking before speaking...people are always not nice like me. " I told her and she promised not to repeat her mistakes.

When I was done with her I took her would be helpful in future and started following Aditya.  Aditya showed us around and its such a big place. The stuff working , big machines....I asked him about publishing , what is the process and how they do it. He explained me in details. After that we came out of his office sat on my car and set off to go my house.

His driver volunteered to drive so I sat comfortably on the back seat. Aditya sat with gungun on his lap. He suddenly noticed something and said " I know its not long that your with us but....its strange to see you without Arav. " said Aditya. And that made me remind about my baby....after coming here its for the first time that I am not with him ...not carrying or playing with him. I feel so bad.

" snow took him in my house... Since I had to be with gungun I didnt bring him with me. I just want to see him now. " I told him and he nodded.

I hope to reach home as fast as possible and take him in my lap. Hope he is not crying for me...or making a fuss over his meals.

But as I was thinking about Arav I felt a pair of eyes watching me carefully...I turned and saw gungun looking at me with her big eyes but why are they sad ?

Oh ! God I said I want to see Arav like I don't like spending time with her. She must be feeling bad...after such a good day I had to ruin her day like that. I quickly took her from Aditya and told " But I had the most amazing day with gungun. It was so much fun with her. My girl is so big...I am so proud. " I said and her mood improved a little .

" You know Aditya since Arav is small he cant do anything but my mumma is a big girl...she does everything herself. And when Arav grows up she will teach him everything right mumma. " I asked her. She nodded and said " yes " and lay on my chest hiding her blushing face in my arms.

A gave her a kiss but she kept lying in my arms like if she let go...I will disappear. Poor girl ..I should watch my words. " My sweet mumma ..must be tried. You take a nap in my lap. " I told her and she closed her eyes for a little nap. Mission successful...I captain Mother of Four have saved the day.

" Must say you have given her lots of  love  . " said Aditya looking at his sleeping daughter. I hugged her and said " My girl deserves more .." I want to love her and all my children's but I don't know how. Must say my mother did a really good job.

We reached my house and I carried gungun inside...she was awake but she didnt let my neck go. As soon as we went in a group of painters welcomed children's are drawing. And my mother sitting with them acting like a child. The famous fashion designer whose creation are sold in just chilling with her grandchildren painting barbie dress.

I placed gungun down and she ran straight to my mother showing her trophy to her and being happy. " wow ! So pretty . Granny will design special dress for you since you got a prize " said my mother to her. Arav spotted me and wanted to come to me but for some reasons I just cant take him in my lap. 

" Bunny I have done this painting " said Akash to me , yeah ! he calls me bunny as according to him I hop around the house all day. Funny haven't heard the half of it. I saw his paper , he has drawn a big colorful butterfly. " So good....its very nice. " I said and clicked several pictures of the drawing.. Will post it soon. " Thank you ! " he said with red ears....he looks cute when he blushes. I walked over to Aditi to see her drawing and asked her " can I see your drawing please ? I will post them in my
status. " I told her.

" I am not a child will you stop treating me like one ? "She said in her angry tone. Why is she so upset ? Is it me ? Did I do something ? . she continued " And what will it take to make you understand you're not my fact you're not real mother of any of us. But since my siblings wants you I don't say anything but please don't try to be my mother. " she said in clear voice.

" That's not how you talk with your mother ....aditi say sorry. " said Aditya ,why is he making the situation worse ? She will hate me more after that. " sorry " Aditi whispered but I know she isn't sorry for what she said. To ease the moment mom said " Look Aditi gungun got a prize wouldn't you give her a kiss and encourage her to do good in future. "

Aditi looked at  Gungun's prize and even gave her a kiss on the cheek to congratulate her but than she silently started drawing in her copy no other words spoken by her. And I dont know what to do anymore.

" Ahem !...lets go and eat together. " said my mom. I took arav from snow as he was crying just to be in my lap. Aditi's issue is getting worse I have to pay more attention to her. Wish I could get a book on parenting that would have been helpful for me. If you have any advice for me do let me know ..  I need that a lot.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now