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"Oh god! Please don't do this to me!"
Everything in this new room of mine was thrown around everywhere as I searched for my necklace.

It's not possible that I lost it in a night and can't find it anymore. I've been wearing this necklace for 11 years!!

Grabbing my head with both my hands I paced back and forth.
I could feel the taste of copper in my mouth while bitting my lips anxiously.

"Please please!! Where is it!?!?"
I murmured and walked downstairs to find Marino.

He was in his office as usual, sitting at his office desk filled with piles of paper.

My eyes widened as I looked at the gun at the corner of the table.

What if i grabbed it and accidentally shoot myself?

Shaking off my intrusive thoughts, I entered his office hurriedly and stood Infront of him.

"Marino I've lost my necklace and its really precious to me!
Can you please ask the maids to thoroughly search the house "

Fidgeting my finger,I waited for him to speak but his focus was still on his iMac.

"Please Marino!"
My voice came out shakily as the thought of loosing the only thing of his reminder, scared me.

"I don't have time for your bullshit Ayla! Go ask the servants yourself "

I furrowed my eyebrows worriedly as he looked bothered and ignored me. His jaw was clutching and  he was gripping the pen tightly, making his knuckles turn white.

"Fine Mario!!"
I said aloud angrily and ran out of his office as I could feel his glare piercing through my back.

I am not scared of him..(I'm gonna piss my pants right now).

Sneaking into the security room I looked at all the CCTV cameras but only came back in my room hopelessly.

God dang! that Mario won't even help me!!
I wish I could mess up his perfect hairs but he'll still look good.

Hot bastard.

Sighing, my body sank in my bed as I strocked my neck feeling weird not having my necklace there.

I can't believe, I lost something so precious...I really am irresponsible, lazy and immature.

My family was right..
I'm the one to be blamed for his death.

Hot tears trickled down my cheeks soaking the pillow.
The realization of loosing something so important made me break down.

I hurriedly opened my phone and looked at the sketch I always apologize to.
Sketch of Enzo's burning body I made after many tries.

If only I helped him... then he would've been alive. If only I didn't insisted on sneaking to the music room then he would've be laughing and living his life right now.

I started apologizing to his sketch in my phone while sobbing.

"I'm sorry Enzo, I ended up losing your only reminder..I'm sorry..I'm sorry for killing you..I'm sorry for being alive while you're long gone"

My breathing shortened as I sobbed silently and closed my phone.


Her lips were bleeding..

I don't know why she was calling me Mario but I'm annoyed as fuck. Her face looked troubled though..

She was shaking and panicking .
I ran a hand through my face feeling frustrated.

Calm down my fucking heart!!
Why are you beating so fast all of a sudden.

I clutched my chest and took a long breathe.
Why am I feeling guilty..why?

Fuck she looked so worried!
Damn it!!!

I stood up, pushing my chair back and went to my room, controlling myself to not knock at her door and ask if she's ok.

FUCK! Why am I being like this??

Pressing my ear against her door I heard soft sobs and my heart sank...stop feeling like this Marino!!

I pulled out her necklace while sighing and knocked on her door.
I know I'm being unreasonable.

The door opened slowly and her small body stood Infront of me with a forced smile. Her long lashes were wet and those brown eyes were dull.

Her lips which were bleeding are now chapped and I want to....dont think about it Marino.

I controlled the urge to hug her.. kiss those red cheeks of hers and wipe her wet eyes.

"I'm sorry for my behavior a while ago"
She spoke while fidgeting with her fingers and looking down.

Fuck I'm feeling Soo bad right now eventhough I shouldn't, that was the whole point..to take my brother's revenge and make her suffer but now I'm freaking standing here feeling guilty..

I reached out and held her small hand as I put her necklace on her palm.

Her head shot up at me with wide eyes which were sparkling now in happiness.

Thank god....wait no!?!

"Thank you Soo much!!"
She hugged me all of a sudden and I stiffened. Her small body pressed against mine as my heart rate got for faster. How long has it been since this thing beated this fast.

She smells so good, like heaven.
No wait!! Don't think like that!?!?

I cleared my throat and she pulled away while smiling.
Those damn cheeks looks so squeezable.

"Don't loose it again"
I spoke sternly and went to my room which was besides her.

I'm such a fucking idiot!
Why did I let her hug me, why didn't I pushed her away like other girls?

I closed the door behind me and leaned back on it while looking up at ceiling.

My hands reached my nose as I inhaled her soft scent unconsciously, which was still lingering on me.

What am I fucking doing?
Get back on the fucking track Marino!

I sprayed my body spray all over me and flopped down on my bed.

At this point, I think she's a fucking witch messing up with my heart and mind.


I'm watching Marino exercise.
He don't know that I'm watching him secretly.

Why is he wearing a shirt while exercising..ugh!!

Trying to take a good look of him I walked closer to another pillar and hid behind it.

I should have been a professional spy but I choose the wrong field.

Those veiny hands would look good on my neck. Shut up Ayla.

"Why are you hiding here?"
My heart almost jumped out as I looked back at max who was grinning.

Marino stood up and walked towards us and I didn't noticed.

I glared at max and give him a threatening gesture as he seemed scared.. obviously he should be.
I'm so intimidating.

"What are you doing here Ayla?"
My eyes widened and I got shivers as Marino spoke.

Slowly I turned back at Marino and smiled.
"I was here to exercise, gotta be in shape"

He looked me up and down as I blushed in embarrassment.
"In pajamas?"

"Yeah so what?"
Max laughed and I glared at him while picking up a small dumbbell.

"Then exercise, I'll be leaving now"
Marino grabbed his towel and started walking out as I immediately followed him and max followed me.

Are we playing train train...it would be fun though.

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