Chapter 8

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As Michael stalks the street of Lampkin Lane, he notices all of the houses, but one, being completely dark. The one that was lit up was lit up so bright that it almost hurt to look at. The explosions of light were also coming from that singular house, so Michael assumed that's where everyone was and that is where he would go. Getting closer, Michael slips off the street and into the home yards, using the shadows from trees and the trees themselves to hide his body. His steps were precise, being cautious as to not step on anything that could alert someone of his appearance. Only his deep breathing could be heard, but even that he is able to keep at a minimum. Finally, he is close enough to hear voices. Not just voices, but laughing, screaming, and the blasting of music. This wasn't any kind of battle, it was a celebration. A birthday party, maybe? It reminded him of one. Of his 6th birthday party, which took place only a week before the murder. Everyone was so happy, so calm, so loving. It was just him and his family, as he had no friends. Part of him missed that, missed his family. He wasn't sure what happened to his more distant family, but he remembers his parents. His dad only visited him at Smith's Grove once, because he decided he couldn't handle it after just one visit to the Sanitarium. However, his mother visited him up until her death. He never talked to her, but it was a fond memory. Now, he knew of only one family member that was still alive.

But a birthday party the whole town went to? That couldn't be. Michael rounded the corner of the house and peeked out from behind it, firstly seeing a group of people in the front yard. He then creeps back and glances through one of the back windows. No, this was no birthday party. Everyone was dressed in scary costumes. They were dancing, red solo cups in hand; probably filled with alcohol. Not only that, the house was decorated with scattered pumpkins, hanging skeletons and ghosts, black and orange streamers, and other similar decor. If Michael looked closely, he could even see a movie playing on the TV, which looked to be some type of horror film as he noticed the people watching it being jump scared every once in awhile. No, not a birthday party. A Halloween party. The realization of this led Michael to feel something light up inside him. This just made things a whole lot easier and harder at the same time. He could easily get inside that house unnoticed as he would just look like another guest. However, since almost everyone had masks on it would be harder to find who he's looking for.

Removing himself from the window, Michael tucks the butcher knife into one of his pockets and directs himself over to the front yard. He, for the most part, goes unnoticed by the guests as he had suspected, save for a few glances at him here and there. He did have an interesting "costume," to say the least. Looking around, he notes that his target person is likely not outside; it was mainly the teenage boys out here. Step one was complete, now it was time to go inside and really get this party started. He heads over to the front door and reaches out his still semi-red hand. Most of the blood had washed off when he had put his hands under the cave water, but it wasn't able to get all of it off since some had already been dried for awhile. Then again, this was a Halloween party, no one would suspect anything. He opens the door, and is greeted with a lot more stares. Not fearful or concerned stares, these people were in awe. "Sick costume, man!" One teen says, his friend following right behind and asking where he got it from. Michael, of course, stays quiet. "Really in character, huh? Awesome!" The first boy smiles. "Well, hope you're having a good time!" The friend nods at Michael and they both walk away chatting to each other while glancing back at Michael every few seconds, then chatting some more. Michael takes a deep breath, resisting the urge to stab those puny teenagers at this very moment, but instead he continues on with his search.


Laurie Strode has been having the most fun she's had in awhile at this Halloween party. Her and her friend Annie had came in matching Angel and devil costumes. She was the Angel, of course. She wore a white, glittery gown with feathered wings at the back of it, as well as a Halo headpiece. While Laurie wasn't very much into the whole spooky vibe as Annie was, she enjoyed this party as a way to get away from the stresses of life, specifically school. "I'm gonna get another drink then go outside for a bit." She tells Annie before heading to the drink counter and filling her cup with red fruit punch, as she wasn't really the alcohol type. Stepping outside into the late October night, chills immediately cause her to shiver as she breathes in the fresh air and smiles while watching a group of boys play football in the front yard. Looking around at all the houses and their Halloween decorations down the street of Lampkin Lane, Laurie's eyes again focus on a non decorated house. However, it didn't need any scary decorations to look menacing. After all, it was Haddonfield's infamous Myers house. Something seemed different about it, though. Laurie steps down from the porch and walks into the street to get a better look. She had to really squint her eyes to see it, but she was almost completely sure the front door was wide open. That was unusual. Who would be going into that house at this time of night? Especially with no one around since the majority of the town was at this party. Some brave soul, she thought, and decided it wasn't worth worrying over.

Turning around to head back inside, Laurie swears she spots a quick flash of movement towards the rear end of the house. Again, she discards any worry as it was probably someone at the party taking a piss behind the house. Suddenly she got a strange feeling as she was walking back inside, like a chill down her spine, but it wasn't because she was cold. Something just felt off. Upon reuniting with Annie and seeing the excitement on her best friend's face as she invests in the horror movie on the TV screen, Laurie wasn't about to let this simple "feeling" ruin her or Annie's night. "Oh, hey again Laurie! Want to grab some snacks with me?" Annie asks and the two girls stand at the snack table filling cardboard bowls with candy and popcorn all while holding a conversation about horror movies. "My favorite? Uh..." Laurie didn't really have a favorite horror movie, but she would try to think of one as to not disappoint Annie. Just as she was about to answer the question, the house's front door swings open. A man in navy blue coveralls enters the house, wearing a white mask. The mask was mainly just a human face's features painted white, with fake brown hair attached to the top and back of it. But, something about it was creepier than all of the other masks she's seen tonight. When Laurie looked into those black eye holes, that same spine tingling feeling from earlier appeared inside her. While the party was for all ages, it was mainly just the kids and teens that dressed up; and there was no way that guy was a kid or even teenager. He was way too tall and bulky to be one. He just stood still and stared at everyone, almost looking lost. "Laurie? Earth to Laurie?" Annie waves a hand in front of Laurie's face and she turns her attention back to her friend. "Who were you staring at? Was it a cute guy?? You should go talk to him!" Annie gently punches her shoulder and Laurie slaps her hand away. "No, no!" She laughs and turns to show Annie who she was looking at, but when she turns around, he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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