Chapter 5

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    As soon as Michael stepped outside into freedom, he was greeted with a loud roar of thunder and bright flash of lightning. The rain was cold on his body, and it made his curly brown hair run down his face and cover parts of his eyes because of all its dampness. However, Michael didn't mind. He continued forward into the employee parking lot and tries the key he had stolen from his doctor on several cars. The first few didn't work, and just as he found the right car, he heard the voices of the remaining guards grow louder. He had to move quickly. Ripping the driver's side door open, Michael climbs into the light brown car which was way too small for someone like him, but he'd have to deal with it for now.

    The guards rounded the corner, so Michael hit the gas and took off before they had a chance to shoot at him. Now, Michael never learned to drive so his driving was a bit sloppy to say the least. Instead of driving on the road, he sped through a long grass field. This would come in handy though, as the guards wouldn't be able to see where Michael went in order to chase him. They would probably assume he was on the road, and not bother going through fields with their own cars. That, or they were too scared to go after an escaped and unrestrained Michael Myers. Michael was driving semi-blindly because of the rain. He had no idea how to turn the windshield wipers on, but he was actually pretty good at completing tasks without using his full vision. For a quick second, he turns his attention to a green sign near the road. It read: "HADDONFIELD: 15 MILES". Michael was on the right track.

    The next two hours went by slowly for Michael. He was still driving on the grass, and was having to dodge trees every now and then; even slightly brushing against a couple and scratching Dr. Loomis's car. He wishes he could be in his hometown already, and not having to go through this long and treacherous journey just to get home. It would be worth it, though. This journey, all the years in the Sanitarium, all the waiting; it would all be worth it. This day has kept him going for the past 15 years, and now he could finally go home. Not just go home, but reunite with that special person that has been on his mind all these years. Unfortunately, the grass field was coming to an end and turning into a corn field, which he didn't think would be a good idea to drive through. Luckily, Michael was far away enough from the Sanitarium for anyone there to know his location, so driving on the road would be safer now. Plus, the rain had let up so he could see exactly where he was headed. He turns right and drives onto the paved road, not completely being able to stay in the lane, but he was on the road and closer to Haddonfield nonetheless.

    Michael suddenly feels a sharp pain in his right shoulder, and realizes he had completely forgotten about the bullet in there. His adrenaline from the escape must have kept the pain at bay until now. The blood had stopped for the most part, but had turned his white shirt red and sticky. He would have to find some new clothes soon, as well as a mask. Michael wanted his face to be covered as soon as possible, and he knew exactly where to get these important pieces of himself. Another hour of driving goes by as Michael ignores the pain in his shoulder and makes it to his first stop: A gas and vehicle mechanic station. It was convenient that he was stopping at a gas station, because earlier he had realized his doctor's car was on E. He barely made it to the stop, but luckily he did indeed end up making it and parked the car in the mechanic's shop side of the parking lot. The car was completely dead at this point, and wouldn't go any further without a fresh tank of gas. Michael steps out, stretching his cramped up legs and staring at one of the gas pumps. He had no idea how to use it. He presses random buttons on the screen, tilting his head when it pops up with a payment option. Payment? Oh no, Michael wouldn't be paying for anything. Not like he could if he wanted to, as he had no money. He grumbles, giving up and walking away. He'll just walk the rest of the way.

The mechanic shop was visibly old and filthy, the only cars in it at the time were beat up, rusty cars that were probably used by careless teenagers. Michael steps inside the shop's garage and scans the area for anyone he could kill. There were so many tools in here, so many options. A clank can be heard from the back of the shop. Michael shuffles to the back, his steps were slow and precise. Bending down to grab a large and rusty wrench from the unclean floor, Michael spots where the sound was coming from. A singular mechanic was tweaking with an old car, presumably trying to get its engine to start again. The mechanic was wearing a navy blue jumpsuit. Perfect. Michael creeps up in front of the old man who was underneath the car, waiting for him to come out.

"Woah! You scared me there, bud!" The mechanic exclaims once he slides out from underneath the car, getting back up on his feet and smiling at Michael. "Can I help you?" The mechanic looks Michael up and down and a concerned expression enters his face. "Oh my.. you're bleeding! What happened? Do you need me to call someone?" He fumbles for his flip phone, and that's when Michael makes his move. Gripping the man's shoulder with his right hand to keep him in place, Michael flings his good arm, which had the wrench in it, onto the mechanic's cranium; the wrench making contact and knocking the man down. The fearful man touches his forehead with a shaky hand, feeling a large cut on it as well as a lot of red fluid running down his face. "The- hell!" He's trying to stay conscious, looking around for his phone so he can call the police. Right as the mechanic wraps his bloody fingers around the phone, Michael lifts him up by the collar, the weight of the elderly man putting painful pressure on Michael's injured shoulder. He fights through the pain, knowing this kill will lead him closer to his final destination.

Pushing the alarmed mechanic forcefully against the wall, Michael again lifts the wrench and plunges it into the man's mouth. Dark red blood begins to fill the mechanic's mouth and run down his jumpsuit. He coughs, the dark substance now flowing down his throat, choking him. Michael twists the wrench and the man's eyes go wide as the tool penetrates his throat, causing nothing but blood to pass through his throat and body. The mechanic tries to talk, tries to scream, tries to beg for mercy, but can only choke and gurgle on his own blood. Finally, Michael lets him go, watching as he falls to the ground with the wrench still impaling him. He wiggles around on the ground in agony, trying desperately to remove the wrench from his mouth, but all the moving just makes it go in deeper. A few more minutes of struggling for air and losing blood at a fast pace, the old man meets his demise. His eyes roll backwards, his skin turns cold and pale, and he makes one more gurgling sound before going limp.

Michael unzips the jumpsuit and undresses the deceased man, leaving him in only his underwear. He pulls off his own bloody shirt and tosses it aside, along with his more brown than white looking pants. The blood on the jumpsuit wasn't too noticeable since it was a dark blue, however you could definitely still smell it. Michael, of course, didn't mind. He actually enjoyed the scent of death, as it often boosted his adrenaline. As he slipped the jumpsuit over his body and zipped it up, he got a strange feeling. It was a good feeling, but strange; kind of like he was meant for this. The jumpsuit fit him perfectly. Lastly, he slides the black boots onto his bare feet. Everything felt right, however, he was still missing the most important piece of himself: a mask.

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