Chapter 7

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Another hour of silence goes by as Michael Myers continues to his hometown without taking any moments to stop. He was set on getting there today, so he would have plenty of time to explore before the big day. After what felt like an extra 7 hours of walking, Michael finally spots a small town in the distance. Despite being extremely worn out, Michael picks up his pace even more, very eager to get home. It's all that was on his mind. She was all that was on his mind. A large sign approaches his vision, and while Michael never really learned to read, he always recognized these letters. "WELCOME TO HADDONFIELD", the sign read.

Lifting his arm, Michael adjusts the bag on his head that he was using as his temporary mask. He had to make sure it was covering all but his eyes. He then looks down at his hands and attempts to wipe them off on his jumpsuit. That doesn't do much as his hands were already sticky and stained red, and it's not like he'd be washing them anytime soon. Not a big deal, he figured. Michael's hand brushes against the sign, and he takes a moment to stop and stare at his town. It was.. a lot different than he remembered. Then again, it's been 15 years. It still felt like home. Michael enjoyed lurking in the dark, so when he notices a small cave just off to the side of the town, he decides to stay there for the rest of the afternoon. He might as well rest before going all knives blazing into the town. The cave was cold and damp, but it was a perfect hideout. It even had a bit of running water, which Michael immediately took advantage of. Lifting his mask just enough to fit his hands underneath, he cups his hands and lets the cold liquid fill up on his palms before tucking his hands underneath the bag and sipping on the refreshing water. Now it was time to wait. Again. However, he was used to it by now. Michael leans against the hard rock wall and closes his eyes. Within a second, he drifts off into slumber.

11:09 pm

Michael jolts awake at the sound of a loud boom from nearby. He slowly raises his head and goes to investigate. It was pitch black outside, which meant he had overslept. He didn't realize how exhausted he must have been. Originally he wanted to be out lurking just as it had gotten dark, so he would have more time to explore his hometown and prepare to meet her again, but he could tell it had been dark for awhile already as the air was still and cold. He would still make it work; he wasn't worried. Besides, now that he got his rest fulfilled, he'd be ready for anything that may be thrown at him; literally. He looks up into the night sky, and sees an explosion of colorful light bursting just over a few of the houses on his street, Lampkin Lane. Not only was it extremely bright to his dark eyes, it was almost deafening. He didn't know what it was, and for a split second, it scared him. His first thought was that Haddonfield was being attacked and the strange explosions of light and sound were caused by a fight with some kind of bomb, perhaps? But why would anyone want to attack Haddonfield? And why would they be exploding in the air if no aircraft were up there? He didn't know, but it didn't matter. He had to make sure she wasn't in any danger.

Moving quickly, Michael takes another swift sip of cave water before adjusting the mask for hopefully the last time before he gets his real one. He had one stop to make before he could go look for her: his own house. The house he had lived in for the first six years of his life. He still remembered exactly what it looked like, and exactly where what he needed was. The night would help hide him as he ventured away from the safety of the cave and into the small town, which still had loud explosions happening above it. This did help cover him, though, as it hid any noises he may have made. And then, he was there. He was there, standing in the middle of Lampkin Lane staring up at his home. His home. It looked the same, save for it being a bit dirtier and elderly looking. Michael, in fact, liked the new look. Looking up to the second floor, he eyes his older sister's bedroom. The room he had killed her in. That is where he needed to go. He walks eagerly to the front door and swings it open with one simple push. Dust stirs up and fills the air, and cobwebs stick to the bag on Michael's face. Once through them, he swipes the bag off his head and lets it fall to the floor, not needing it anymore. He approaches the old, rotting staircase and carefully walks up, the stairs creaking at every step. He was surprised they were able to hold his body weight, even barely. Every wooden floorboard he stepped on creaked, but that creak meant he was one step closer to fully becoming himself. Into Judith's room he goes, and as soon as he enters he kneels down just before the bed to look underneath it. Sure enough, there it was.

Reaching underneath the bed, Michael pulls out his missing piece. He rubs his thumb alongside the mask's pale cheek. The entire mask was just a pale white face, with a few strands of brown hair in the back and on top. It wasn't much, but it was creepy. And he loved it. Excited, he slides the mask on. It fit him perfectly, and even covered his neck. The eye holes cast a shadow, making it look like you're staring into a never ending black hole for others. Everything felt right now, everything was in place. He was truly Michael Myers. The name this town knows and often makes sour faces at. He would show them, he would show them who he really is. Michael Myers. In fact, you should be afraid of him. Michael Myers does not mess around. He gets what he has to do done in order to achieve his personal goals, no matter what it takes. Feeling like himself again, Michael returns downstairs and into the kitchen. He opens a drawer to the right of the stove, and there it was. The butcher knife. While it wasn't the one he had used to kill his sister with, (that was taken for evidence) it was still a knife. Another part of him. He couldn't do any of this without his knife. If he himself didn't make people cower in terror, the butcher knife would. Michael loved nothing more than seeing people afraid. Now that he was complete and had everything he needed, it was time to go stalking.

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