Chapter 1

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October 15th, 1978

    The rain continued to pour down outside of the Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Thunder growled and lightning lit up the black sky every few seconds or so. Otherwise, all was quiet; the majority of patients being asleep as it was almost three in the morning. Guards stood outside of each cell, taser in hand and a rifle at the ready across their shoulders. They were always on high alert, as some of the patients here are pure monsters to them; but since it was a stormy night, it was particularly more dangerous. The lights flicker every couple minutes, the power desperately trying to stay on. A guard in front of cell 60 twitches when the lights flash again, and his heart drops when everything goes pitch black after a loud crack of lightning and roar of thunder shakes the building.

    Inside cell 60 was patient 6382, also know as Myers, M. The most dangerous of them all, as the guards would say. No one wanted to be assigned to watch this cell. While most may rather have a patient who never talks or moves very much, this one was different. This was Michael Myers. The boy who brutally stabbed his older sister to death on Halloween night at just 6 years old, almost exactly 15 years ago. While the Sanitarium held a lot of murderers, something about Michael made him stand out from the rest. He hasn't said a word since he was 6 years old, and there are no emotion in his eyes. He almost isn't human. All he does is sit in silence and stare.. and his stare is one that will haunt you for the rest of your life; which is why the Sanitarium guards always dread having to be on cell 60's watch. They genuinely fear for their life when meeting Michael Myers's gaze.

    Michael was the only patient still awake. This of which is often the case every night, and the doctors have begun to wonder if he ever sleeps. For the past two months, he has spent every hour of the day secretively coming up with a plan to get out of this place. It was a perfect, foolproof plan. He would use everyone's fear of him to his advantage. Because it wasn't just the guards that were afraid of him, the other patients and all but one doctor were as well. No one wanted to go near him, no one wanted to even try to help him. He was a lost cause who would stay in this facility for the rest of his sorry life. Of course, Michael thought differently. He didn't want to be helped in the first place, and he believed that ridding unnecessary people from the world wasn't a big deal. Besides, it made him feel good. That's all that matters, right?

   Halloween was just about two weeks away, and Michael's goal was to be back in Haddonfield by that day. He wanted to properly celebrate his sister's 15 year death anniversary. Myers had had this idea of returning to Haddonfield on that specific day since he had gotten to Smith's Grove all those years ago. If he had wanted to go back sooner, he easily could have. He was very capable of breaking out from this place, but he wanted to make his return something memorable for everyone in his home town. Especially for one person in specific; the person who has fueled his rage and his motivation to wait all these years just to feel a silver blade piercing through someone's flesh again.

   The power is out; the facility is pitch black. Michael can feel the panic rising in all of the guards's chests. They knew what was coming just as well as he did. Michael stands from his rock hard bed and creeps up to the metal door, peeking out the small peephole in order to see the scrawny guard fiddling for his taser and trying to keep it in his shaky hands. This may be easier than he had expected, but he wasn't complaining. Though, he did love a good challenge. Which.. there was one person that will be the cause of the biggest challenge of escaping. Michael decided he'd worry about that later.

   The frightened guard turns around to see Michael's dark brown eyes staring devilishly at him. In a complete panic, the guard points his taser at Michael's forehead and shoots him with the voltage without any hesitation. Michael falls forcefully backwards, his backside landing on the cold, hard floor with a loud thump. His eyes roll back and he seemingly goes limp. "Shit!" The guard yells. He hadn't meant to knock Michael out, he just got so scared that he reacted without thinking. He couldn't just leave the unconscious man on the floor, so he knew he would have to call for a doctor because there was no way he was going inside that cell himself. The flustered young man pulls out his walkie talkie and radios in: "I need a doctor at cell 60, quickly!"

    Just four minutes later, a doctor handling a first aid kit approaches the cell. He takes a quick glance inside and acts as if he had gotten the wind knocked out of him. He himself was obviously just as petrified as the guard, but unfortunately he had no choice but to go inside and check on the patient. The tall doctor takes the keys to the door from the guard, his hands violently shaking with anxiety as he twists the key into the lock and hears a click, signaling Michael's potential freedom. The white coated man steps slowly into the cell while the guard watches eagerly outside with his rifle at the ready. Setting the first aid kit beside Michael, the first thing the doctor does is check the patient's pulse. "Pretty fast for someone asleep.." he mumbles to himself, gulping but continuing to inspect Michael. The second the doctor reaches up to attempt to open Michael's eyes, Michael jolts up and wraps his large, muscular hands around the doctor's throat; fully aware now.

   The doctor chokes and gasps for air, more and more oxygen being forced out of him by the second. He struggles to speak, struggles to breathe, and finally he struggles to stay conscious as his brain was deprived of any air. All he could do now was look into Michael's emotionless eyes before glancing back to the guard with his own helpless eyes until his vision went completely black. Not sure what to do, the guard points the rifle at Michael and yells. "LET HIM GO! I- I WILL SHOOT!" His voice was shaking. Michael Myers loosens his grip on the doctor; the guard sighing in relief and lowering the rifle. As much as he wanted this guy dead, he didn't want to be the one to do it.

   Michael grunts as if defeated. In reality, he had loosened his grip just before the guard would've gone fully unconscious and unaware of what Michael was about to do next. Myers wanted his victims to be awake for his brutal torture and kills, as the fear on their faces and shrilling screams before he made his final move gave him the energy he needed to keep killing and to continue to gain strength. He would need as much strength as possible by the time he reached Haddonfield. Reinserting his grasp on the doctor's neck, he uses the strength he had been working on building since getting to the Sanitarium 15 years ago to swiftly and effortlessly snap the older man's neck. The doctors's face was now looking at the wall behind him. The snap was so forceful that part of a bone in his neck had ruptured through flesh and was sticking out, making the man's head stuck in a forever tilt.

   Michael finally lets go of the doctor and watches as he falls backwards into a pool of his own blood, impressed with his work. He proudly looks down at the crimson body fluid that covered his pale hands; for not killing in almost 15 years, he still did a pretty damn good job at it. Michael turns his head to the traumatized guard, his body twitching with adrenaline. The guard, in pure shock and again not knowing what to do at this point, closes his eyes and pulls the trigger to the rifle before dropping everything and running for dear life to the first person he sees. The young man, acting more like a small boy now, grabs the man wearing a brown coat and shakes him violently all while trying to speak over his stumbled words. "He killed him! He- killed him! He's dead! It's real bad! You have to stop him! Oh my god- I- I left the door open-!"

   The man in the brown coat looked more confused than phased by what this troubled guard was saying. He puts a hand on the boy's shoulder and speaks calmly. "Slow down! Breathe! Who killed him? Who's dead? What door is open??" And then the man's worst fear became a reality as the guard yells out, "MYERS! IT'S MICHAEL MYERS! HE KILLED A DOCTOR AND-" The guard gasps. "I TRIED TO SHOOT HIM BUT I'M SURE I MISSED. I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE WENT!"

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