Spotting A Tail (Part 5)

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Oh my gosh! Will you ever just let me 'no' be a no? No? Of course you won't. Jeez! Whatever this is a continuation of the saga starting with Rear Window (part 1). You're the worst.


"Okay this is option two," Bridgette yelled from inside her closet.

Carter sat on Bridgette's bed, leaning back on her hands. In all black, she looked like a smear on a vibrant painting compared to her surroundings.

Bridgette hopped out of her closet and held up her arms, giving a small twirl for Carter.

"That's the one," Carter said.

Bridgette beamed. "Great! But why this one and not the last one."

Carter pointed to her. "You're wearing a sweater so that's practical with the temperature change. But it's still thin enough that you could get cold, offering Edwin the chance to give you his jacket. The skirt is cute and feminine but the tights say that you're not an idiot to go barelegged outside. The boots say: touch me in the wrong way and I'll drop kick you."

At the last blunt statement, Bridgette burst out laughing and Carter smiled for no other reason than happy she could amuse her step-sister.

"You've given me self-defense lessons for only like ten days. I hardly think I'd be able to dropkick someone."

"No, you couldn't. But Edwin doesn't know that."

Still wearing her laughter, Bridgette skipped over to the bed, spun around, and fell back on it.

"Is it weird that I'm equally excited to Edwin but also equally excited to prove that I'll be able to spot you as you tail us?"

"Yeah, considering you have zero chance of seeing me."

Bridgette popped up, her face serious even as her eyes sparkled with mischief. "You say that, but I know what you look like. I'm planning for you to tail me. Honestly, you're just in denial about your ability if you think I won't instantly spot you."

Carter poked the tip of Bridgette's nose, an action she never thought she'd do before but felt natural with Bridgette.

"Sure. You keep telling yourself that."

On the comforter, Bridgette's phone buzzed and she flopped over to reach it.

"That's them. They are outside the house," she said.

She bounced up, grabbed her purse, and tucked her phone inside. Standing before Carter, she held out her hands again.

"I'm good to go?" she asked.

"You are. Have fun?"

Bridgette smirked. "I will. Because I just might tell my friends to look out for you."

At this, Carter raised taunting eyebrows. "Oh scared you'll miss me on your own?"

"No." Bridgette made a face as if not sure whether she wanted to retract her declaration or not. "I will find you on my own."

"Sure you will."

Bridgette pinched her face together and pushed Carter's shoulder.

"Stop doubting me. You're my sister. I could never lose you."

The words were playful but the truth of them struck Carter. The reality of her life and work was that Bridgette could lose Carter. Carter didn't live an easy life. What happened to Mason was proof of that. They'd been on a surveillance mission and still, he'd been taken and beaten. There was no guarantee in Carter's life or work.

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