Embarassing Questions for Couples - Mason and Yvette

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I tell my heart to shut up and stop screaming in excitement but it doesn't listen. Not sure if you've ever tried to control your racing heart, it's like trying to control a toddler whose on a sugar high.

Since there is no making my heart calm the frick down, I sit in my chair and take deep breaths. It does nothing but makes me feel like I have some small sense of control.

It's the little things that count.

The door to my office opens and my heart lets out one loud shriek as Mason strides in followed by Yvette.

Mason eyes me critically and my heart clamps shut and shrinks back. The only thing to make it not cower is the smile Yvette wears, warm and inviting.

"Why are we wasting our time here?" Mason asks.

Yvette simply looks at him and he plasters on a smile that is nothing but mocking. But that tracks.

"You can sit," I say, barely managing to push the words out of my tight throat. Why is he both so good-looking and terrifying? It seems unfair.

Yvette takes a seat on the couch but Mason doesn't move, completely reluctant. Again it's a single look from Yvette that makes him settle down beside her. Now that is power.

I take a deep breath and my heart asks me if we really want to bring on the rainstorm of skepticism that is undoubtedly coming our way. Since it's been established I dive head first without any true thought, I tell my heart to shove it.

"Thanks for coming today," I say. "As you know I've asked these questions for couples to Carter and Donovan and now I want to ask them to you."

"Owens actually sat through this?" Mason asks.

The skepticism is sent with raised eyebrows. I bear the weight of it without quelling.

"Yup and Yvette said you both would be up for this," I say.

Not sure where this sense of bravery is coming from but I hold onto it with dear life. Have you ever stared down an attractive man with piercing blue eyes? Nerve-racking.

"We are up for it," Yvette says.

She touches Mason's knee and he eases back from his piercing stare.

"Okay," I say. "I'll ask the question and you can just speak your answer or point. First question, who overthinks everything?"

With a tiny smile, Yvette points to Mason and Mason rolls his eyes.

"I give things the amount of thought they deserve. I do not overthink. Overthinking is for people who aren't confident in their decisions."

Yvette continues to sit with her tiny smile. This woman is too perfect for him. I hope he knows that. This is Mason, of course he doesn't. No, wait this is Mason, maybe he does know. But I don't know, he can be dense. Oh jeez, now I'm overthinking.

"Who showers less?" I ask.

Mason scowls. "What type of question is that? We both shower like normal people."

"I do," Yvette says. "Mason sometimes showers twice a day. It's how he decompresses."

"That is not something that needs to be shared. I want that struck from the record."

"It's struck." There's no record so I don't know what he expects me to do. But it's best not to antagonize him. "Who's always eating?"

Instantly they both point to Yvette. She reaches out and squeezes Mason's knee.

"Mason doesn't eat when he works. Its something we're working on."

"It's called concentrating."

"No, it's called unhealthy."

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