Her Impression #5

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Closing the car door Chan and the others could only look on as she walking into her building. 

Hyunjin and Changbin gobsmacked and slightly embarrassed about their first impression to her. Chan still looking on lets out a laugh as he looks back on to his members. 

"Well done you two." He keeps on laughing as he gets comfortable in his  seat as the car continues on back to their dorms. 

"How where we supposed to know." Grumbled Changbin with a pout on his mouth. He felt bad for how he spoke to her. 

They all got back to their dorm in a timely manner and after unpacking all their luggage everyone went to unwind in their rooms or in the common area's. Chan settled himself on the sofa with his phone in his hand going through the groups instagram page. 

Going through all tagged posts from Stays his mind kept wondering back to Charlie. she was different, not in a bad way but enough to make an impression on him. He couldn't help but laugh to himself again as he recalled the faces as she spoke near perfect Korean.

"What are you laughing at?" Minho's voice called over his shoulder. Meeting his eyes he smiled at him before answering.

"Just laughing at what happened earlier still." He chuckled again. 

"hmm fair enough, it was a little funny though I doubt we will see her again, she's tech support right?" 

"Yeah, unless one of us has a live issue at the company rather than at home we probably won't see her again, though it was nice to just have a chat as a person rather than someone as an idol ya know." Chan sighed, it's been awhile since he had spoken casually with someone that wasn't a member. 

"I see what you mean." Minho agreed and left the living room to go start something for dinner. 

"Yah, we are out of noodles, can you go out and grab some?" was shouted from the kitchen. 

Chan stood up and walked into the kitchen and saw Minho looking through the cupboards. "Yeah I can go, any specific type of noodles?" 

Minho's face scrunched in thought before answering. "Rice noodles will do, make sure to get enough." 

"Gotcha." Putting his shoes back on Chan left to go to the store. it was a peaceful walk, it was pretty quiet out for the time it was. 

Rounding the corner he entered the nearest connivence store, greeting the store clerk and heading to the noodle section.

Turning into the aisle he saw a head of light brown hair that he recognised as the girl he met earlier today. 

"Charlie?" He asked out causing the girl to jump a little. 

"Oh Chan! Sorry I didn't see you there, what brings you here?" After registering it was Chan who spoke to her Charlie was a bit more at eased. 

"We ran out of noodles at the dorm so I was sent out to get some more. What are you doing here?" He knew that when he got back to the dorm he was going to make Minho eat his words about not seeing her again. 

"Well i've just moved into my new flat so I'm grabbing some food for the evening. I don't know any good grocery markets yet so right now i'm on connivence store food." Charlie lifted a black packet of ramen and a ice cup and juice pouch. 

"Oh that stuff is spicy, you sure you can handle that?" Chan looked at the packet like it would kill him if it got too close. 

"I can handle my spice Mr. Bang what about you?" She smirked a little and waved the packet at him tauntingly. He chuckled at her, biting his lip between his teeth.

"No I cannot though I'm glad you can enjoy it, though if there is one that I do recommend..."He reached up and over Charlie, slightly pressing up against her back, he wasn't that much taller than her but it was still significant enough to tower over her when stood on his tip toes.

 When he grabbed a packet from the top shelf and brought is back down to her level. "... is this packet." in his hands was a jin ramen "it's a mild ramen if ever you don't want to burn your tastebuds off all the time." It was his turn to smirk at her as he put the ramen in her basket. She looked at him then at the packet and chuckled. 

"Thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a try." she laughed again before meeting his eyes, they where the same kind eye's from the airport she could get lost in them, their warmth. 

He was in a similar situation, her smile, it held so many stories behind it, it was a happy yet sad yet curious smile. He was curious about what she had to say, his story was known across most of the world, but he wouldn't mind hearing hers. 

They where both just caught up in their own thoughts until the bell of the connivence store  dinged and brought them both out of their trances 

"Uhh.. I should check out." Charlie stuttered out, her head down in embarrassment and headed towards the cashier. 

"Uh..... Yeah I'll see you round." He smiled and watched as she walked away and towards the cashier and placed her basket on the counter. 

It wasn't till she was out the store and passed the window did he fully come back to reality and remember why he was in the store, grabbing a handful of rice noodle packets and checking out himself. 

Getting back to the dorm was longer than he thought it would take, his mind was everywhere, but when he did get back and dumped the noodles in front of Minho did he fully register the grin he was sporting, Minho did as well. 

"Was the store that good?" Minho looked up and side eyed Chan. 

"It was great." He replied, "What made it even better was that Charlie was there."

"Charlie? Didn't we just say we wouldn't see her again?" Minho looked confused at him. 

"Yeah but, I thought we meant around the company? This was out in the world ya know?" Chan had flopped into a chair on the kitchen island as he watched Minho cook. 

"Sure, guess I'm eating my words but you will be eating this with extra kimchi if you aren't careful." Minho commented with a laugh.

"Is that how you speak to a senior Lee Minho?" Chan chuckled and teased his younger. 

"No hyung, now call the others dinner is ready." Minho Laughed again as he plated up the dishes and noodles. 

Chan laughed and went off to call the boys. 

As they all sat around the table eating, Chan as always grateful that he could be sat around the table with his band mates, his chosen family. He wouldn't have it any other way.

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