Her Dreams #1

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Charlie Simon always had high ambitions, she was a very determined young woman as her teachers would always say. Other than that one German teacher who questioned Charlies intelligence when she was struggling with learning German grammar. 

From the young age, when her grandfather let her use his camera at the family gatherings, Charlie always loved filming and editing videos and photos. She loved the process, watching it all come together and watching the reactions of her friends and family as they watch the videos she has made. 

Her dreams where set on becoming a music video editor, especially after watching her first k-pop video in 2012, at the age of 14. The story, the effects, the production design, she loved it all. 

She had no idea what they where saying but that didn't stop her enjoyment. 

EXO-k's "Mama" Video blew her mind and set her dreams on the path of K-pop and their music industry. More specifically it's editing. 

From the age of 15 she started to learn Korean, her father supporting her in any way he could. He was just happy his daughter shows an interest in another culture and was in awe of her determination. Her father was also one to keep her humble, whilst he wanted to aid in her reaching her dream career and having a set plan he wanted to remind her to have back up options incase things didn't go her way. His reasons where also slightly selfish not wanting to be too far away from his daughter and dreading the thought of her being half the world away from him.

When it came for her to apply for Universities Charlie applied to two courses, one was a Computer Engineering course where you could take a module for a foreign language and a film production course that covered everything from camera and lighting techniques to editing.

Charlie became the girl in her dorm with wires littering her floor and new computer parts filling up her letter box. She made many friends and though she wasn't much of a social butterfly she was still on good terms with most people. 

Charlie Graduated in 2019 with a solid passing grade and a determined mind that she was one step closer to her dream of working in Korea as an editor. 

During her summers between the four years she was at university, Charlie spent her time getting any and all work experience she could, wether it be at her local tech repair shop or at a TV studio looking into the different areas of the process, She had impressed them with her easy going nature and her knowledge of computers and technical operations. two of her summers where spent at the studio, being paid as a part time apprentice to the Tech Ops as they prepped and exported out sequences and timelines for offline and online editors. This gave her the experience she needed when she began applying for international companies. 

Applying was easy... being accepted was hard. Not a lot of companies want to hire foreign workers, at least for the position she wanted. Her dad was the one to remind her not to be too ambitious.

"Char, whilst you have the experience on paper some might need to see the potential that you have, try and start a bit lower on the ladder instead of trying to leap onto the top ledge from the ground level." Her father was a labourer and contractor who knew what it was like to work his way up and loved to slip in metaphors where he  could... not all of them landed or where easily understood but Charlie would always smile and take his words to heart, she was just grateful that he as being supportive of her. 

Heeding her fathers words Charlie tried a lower level job, postal room, custodian and tech support assistant. Those where the positions open at three companies. 

One company was a independent photography company who needed a custodian for their new location as they where slowly expanding. 

one was for RWB Entertainment who needed a new attendant in the postal room to handle the new amount of fan mail for their few idol groups.

and the last one she applied to was on a whim.. the chances of her getting it where slim to none, to be a technical support assistant at one of the top six K-pop entertainment companies...

SM Entertainment

Charlie was still in love with that first music video she watched, and she continued to become more obsessed as more groups come debuted and more and more amazing music videos came out along with them. 

This could be her chance!! 

After sending her applications off Charlie went back to working at the small repair shop in her town to earn some extra money... starting up in Korea was going to be hard and expensive. On top of that she had a bunch of student debt to pay back as well, there was no time to be waiting about. 

Where we truly begin is in a small tech repair shop in a sleep town in England, four months after Charlies Graduation. 

Sitting in the corner behind the front desk, Charlie fiddles away with a random part someone came in to have repaired,  on her face where a pair of magnifying goggles so she can see the finer parts and not touch anything she wasn't meant to. Sticking her tongue out in concentration she got the final screw in and breathed out a sigh she didn't notice she was holding in her concentrated state. what she also didn't notice in her concentrated state was her supervisor Mattias calling her name from the back room. 

"Charlie! Get in here, your Phones been dining for the past Hour and a half!" Mattias was a Grumpy man on the outside and reminded Charlie of everyones stern grandfather who pretenends to be annoyed at the kids running about but really loves it. 

Walking into the back after placing down her screwdriver Mattias greeted her by pointing over to her phone on desk next to his. 

The back room wasn't the biggest, mostly filled with little boxes filled with parts they would need and random wires that came from somewhere. There was only space for one long desk that they separated into two sections, one was Mattias's and one was Charlies and it was easy to tell who was who's. Mattias was a clean and organised man, the only mess on his desk being the order forms he was currently sifting through, Charlies desk was a tip for the lack of a better work, screws, wiring, tweezers, her laptop and phone just precariously placed top of everything. 

"Your phone has been dinging, haven't you heard it?" Mattias turned to meet her face as she walked past him to her side of the desk. 

"I was working on Keiths PC, the fan's where dusty and that meant dust has gotten all over the circuits." She mused back at him, he gave a grumble back in response.

"Well just tell whoever keeps dinging you to stop it." 

Charlie sighed and picked her phone, not really looking at it "It's probably my dad asking if we have milk in..."

Now fully looking at her phone Charlie noticed a familiar email, that of the recruiting team of SM Entertainment. 

Her jaw dropped, this was it! the make or break moment. scrambling her fingers over the screen Charlie opened her emails and the one addressed from SM.

Dear Miss Simon,

We are sorry to inform you that the position has been fulfilled at our company. 

though our recruiting team where very impressed with your resume and have followed it along to our patners and other companies if they have any positions open. 

Thank you for applying and good luck for your future



"Well fuck"

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