Grey Skies: Chapter 41

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A sad song about lost love filled the interior of the Jeep, and Sophie hit the skip button. It hadn't snowed, much to Sophie's relief, and traffic on the way back from Washington was light. Unlike the train or bus, the drive to Bridgetown was straightforward, and it surprised her how quickly the time passed. In a bag in the back seat sat the final ingredients she needed for the investor dinner tonight. She tapped her finger in time with the upbeat music, her body buzzing with the thrill of creating her signature dishes.

The ringing of her phone interrupted the singer, and Sophie's shoulders snapped straight. Simon had already called four times this afternoon, confirming details they'd approved weeks ago. Still, she understood the winery owner had a lot riding on this event and his nerves were strung out. She tapped on the answer button.

"How far away are you?" Simon's voice sounded tight.

Sophie eyed the GPS. "Maybe fifteen minutes?"

"Good. Blake is here and I don't know what to do with her."

She could hear the sounds of plates scraping against one another. Simon must be rearranging the table setting she'd laid out before leaving. Her fingers turned white against the leather of the steering wheel. They'd agreed to go with the plain white set to let the food presentation speak for itself, but he had been wavering the last couple of days, considering a rustic stoneware collection he'd recently purchased. "There is a list of prep tasks on the chalkboard by the prep station. Each one is numbered. I've completed one to five. Have her start with number six."

"Okay. And you'll be here soon?"

"Very." Sophie flicked the turn signal on and merged onto the off ramp. "We've got a plan and everything is on track."

Simon hesitated, like he was distracted, and then agreed with her. Sophie disconnected the phone. Not for the first time today, she wished Max's calming presence sat in the passenger seat. The man who had knocked down her defences was constantly on her mind. She imagined how he'd make a joke about Simon's stress, cracking her own or wrap his sturdy hand around hers, bring their fingers to his lips and kiss her knuckles.

She let out a slow breath. The ache in her heart at missing the physical presence of Max eased somewhat when they talked, either on video or through text. While not the same, the freedom to speak with him, get his advice or perspective on a dilemma, learn about his life in the Navy, or just be with him, had quelled the panic she'd experienced the day he'd left. 

She knew it was irrational, but him driving away from her had memories of Thomas's mother closing the door in the hospital room after they'd turned off the machines keeping him alive. Emily had held her hand as tears flowed, assuring Sophie Max would be safe. As if Max could sense her anxiety, he'd texted from the highway, at the base once they arrived, and they'd had their first video call that night.

They'd talked every day since. Mostly through texts, which Sophie noted with delight, Max returned with little delay. It had taken a couple of attempts to work out the video calling timing, but they fell into a routine and now Sophie considered her time with Max the highlight of her day. Her chest constricted knowing the routine was off with the call earlier today with him and between his duties and the event tonight, it would be her last until tomorrow.

Up ahead, the winery appeared and a warm blanket of comfort settled over her. Somehow, over the past few months, the winery had become a home to her. The farmhouse with the kitchen she'd helped design was more than a place of work. 

Sure, Simon could be frustrating and she still wasn't sure he really wanted her there, that him hiring her wasn't a plea to appease his wife, yet they worked well together. He had a clear vision of what he wanted from the restaurant, and unlike the owner of La Terra, Simon's dedication to the business's success was palatable.

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