• CHAPTER 48 •

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We drove to Frank's house later in the day. I was exhausted. I went to work in the morning then Joe picked me up. He refused to go back to the house and told me that we needed to be there as soon as possible. I tried to sleep in the car but couldn't.

"So," I broke the silence as I watched the trees quickly go passed up, "what's up with the necklace? Don't you guys think it created enough problems?"

He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road, "Yeah, I agree. It just costs millions of dollars, Talia. You don't understand how many people would kill to have it."

"These people will end up killing you guys for it."

"That's why we're giving it to Pablo today. But I feel like it won't go as planned."

My heart dropped, "why?"

"Fox just died. Apperently he was Pablo's right hand. And these people don't forget their men just like that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I moved in my seat.

"I don't know," his voice lowered making unfamiliar fear grow in me, "I just hope today passes well."

I looked out of the window. I knew just then that I should have insisted on staying at home. It sounded like being alone in an apartment was safer than going to hell with my own feet. I sighed.

"Don't worry, I will be right by your side," he placed my hand on mine, sending warmness to my cold body. I looked at him and gave him a small smile. "Just promise me that no matter what happens, you won't get out of your room."

I nodded. He squeezed my hand in his, trying to comfort me. "I love you, Tal."

Again, he told me those three words that confused me. I never knew what to answer them. Did I love him to say it?

"You don't have to say it back to me," he answered my thoughts, "I want you to take all the time you want, you know." I looked at him, "I don't want you to say it just because I am saying it. I want to hear it from you because you feel it."

I nodded.

"Promise me."

"I promise," I smiled and he smiled back.

When we arrived, Ace was standing in front of the door. Joe parked the car behind Ace's and right when we opened our doors, Ace disappeared inside. It was as if he was just trying to avoid me.

Joe told me to go in my room because they don't want Pablo to even know that I was there. And just on my way up, I heard his voice.

"Hola, amigo (hello, friend)," he yelled walking in the house,

"Go," Joe pushed me to walk up the stairs and tried to stand in front of me to hide me. I hurried up the stairs and hid against the wall of the second floor, not wanting to be shown.

"Ace, can we get this over with already? This shit is getting out of hand," his voice roared in the house.

"Let's sit in my office," Ace said.

"We're still going to go to an office and move and shit," he sighed, "where is the necklace, Ace?"

A small silence filled the room but I was unsure why.

"Where is the money?" Ace asked.

"Money?" He started laughing. I cringed, hating how he sounded, "didn't we agree on something?"


"The last words that we agreed on was to either have Fox's head or have a profit of the necklace. And you made your choice. You killed Fox, man."

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