• CHAPTER 12 •

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I used to always believe that everything happens for a reason. Every single thing anyone goes through has a purpose of leading him to the path that is good for him. Since the day Ace returned from the mission wounded, we got way closer to each other. Maybe because I spent so much time with him for being the one that changes his wound and clean it and the one who helps him when he needs help with anything. As much as it pained me to see him in pain, a part of me felt like it had a purpose to lead us on our path.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and started taping the wet cotton on the wound. He shrank in pain and bit his bottom lip.

"It healed so much, Ace. A few more days and we are going to take the bandages off." I smiled at him and then returned to what I was doing.

"Talia," his soft voice rang in my ears, and his breath hit my neck when he turned his face to look at me. I hummed, not trusting my voice. "I never thanked you for all that you do for me."

I turned my face to look at him, and as soon as our eyes met, my heart fell in my stomach.

"I didn't do anything really. I am doing what anyone in my place would have done." I returned his smile.

"Anyone in your place would have rathered see me dead," his smile was still on his face, but something about it changed. Maybe he was sharing something that hurt him or maybe he didn't want to share this.

"You're not as hated as you think you are Ace." I tried to turn it on a more positive note, and it worked. He let out a hint of a laugh and shook his head at my comment.

For the rest of the time that I spent cleaning his wound and putting new bondage, he was just silently watching me. His breath was hitting the side of my face, and I pretended it wasn't affecting me. But for some reasons that I didn't even know myself, it did. He wasn't moving, he wasn't talking, he was just watching me.

"Okay," I looked up, when my eyes met his my heart sank again, "all–done". Our eyes ignored our wishes and kept us both looking at each other. His eyes didn't have the usual gaze he has. They weren't cold or empty. They were soft. I wanted to drop my gaze, but something in me drew me closer, wanting more than just eye contact. His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips, shooting a flood of adrenaline into me like a drug that made me feel deeply alive and completely paralyzed at the same time. His tongue wet his lips with his eyes eating my lips without touching them, and I would give half of my life in the sacrifice just knowing what was he thinking about at this moment. I tried to swallow my saliva, but my body was weak. My heart was pounding. My breath was hitched. My eyes were fixed on him. He leaned in closer. I didn't move. But then he stopped moving. My heart pounded against my chest as an alarm that I shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't kiss. And somehow, I brought myself to shut my parted lips and stand up. "I hope tomorrow the wound is better."

He watched me move away, unbothered that I left. I placed all the stuff I used to clean his wound away, trying to avoid looking into his eyes again.

When my heart found its normal pace again, he asked "can I ask you something, Talia?" making it drop to the bottom of my stomach again. I didn't want him to ask anything about what happened a few seconds ago because I wasn't even sure what happened.

I swallowed my fear and said "yeah?" still letting my back face him, trying to keep myself busy, so I don't have to look at him.

"Can you help me go ride Nera? It's been a while."

I closed my eyes and let out a breath of relief.

"Of course."


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