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Steve flushed the contents of his stomach, leaning against the back wall of the stall.

As disgusting as it was, he couldn't find it in himself to care. His head felt much better now, much clearer, but the ache from all his injuries was more present than ever. His lower lip throbbed, courtesy of the muscled Russian guy and his eye felt like it was about to pop out of his socket.

In the two stalls to either side of him, his friends had stopped throwing up as well.

"The ceiling stopped spinning for me," Robin spoke up. It was the first thing any of them had said since they ran to chuck up the contents of their stomachs. "Is it still spinning for you?"

Steve looked up at the gross toilet ceiling and sure enough, his eyesight had suddenly gotten better and the world didn't seem unsteady or blurred anymore, "Holy shit" He breathed out.

"You think we puked it all up?" Matteo's voice came.

The doors to all their stalls were open and thankfully no one seemed to want to enter this particular bathroom.

"Maybe" Robin said to Matteo, "Ask me something" In a Russian accent she went on, "Interrogate me"

"Okay. Interrogate you, sure" Matteo mumbled, he sounded right next to Steve so maybe they were leaning against the same stall wall. "Um... when was the last time you,uh, peed your pants?"

"Today" Robin said with no hesitation.


"When that doctor guy took out the bone saw" She defended.

"Oh my god" Steve and Matteo couldn't help burst into laughter. He wasn't really judging since he came close to peeing his pants down there so many times.

"It was just a little bit" Robin dissolved into laughter.

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system" Steve turned to his left, hoping Matteo knew he was talking to him. The other two followed with more laughter.

After sobering up a little, things were still funny, but not as much as they had been with the drug. Steve almost wished he could be high again and forget about their problems.

"Alright" Robin said, "My turn. Teo, who's the last person you kissed?"

"Uh..." Matteo groaned, something banged against the bathroom stall Steve was leaning against, probably his head, "Daniel— my ex"

Robin made retching noises, "You haven't kissed anyone after him?"

Matteo still seemed wary around Steve, still waiting for the realization to hit, still waiting for the punch. Steve wondered if that's how it was going to be from now on.

From now on? That implied a future with these two idiots. Jeez he had big plans.

Despite himself, Steve had gotten attached to both of them. He loved how synchronized they seemed, how they laughed at their silly little inside jokes, spoke their minds and loved each other fiercely. When was the last time Steve had any friends (his age) that cared about him like that?

"I would have kissed Jake today, but Dusty and Erica brought us to a movie instead of the fair"

Steve imagined he was pouting.

"Steve!" Matteo said, "We forgot Steve, Robs. I got a question for you" Steve smiled at his voice.


"Have you..." Matteo hesitated, "ever been in love?"

"Yep. Nancy Wheeler" Steve answered honestly, he could see Matteo's converse from under the stall, he bumped his foot into the boy's. "Last semester, junior year"

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