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Two men entered, both with shaggy mops of dark hair, dressed similarly in uniforms that reminded Matteo of postal service employees.

One made a beeline for the boxes while the other sniffed the air. Matteo glared at Steve. The entire fucking elevator stank and if they got caught because of Steve, he was going to skin him alive.

The man muttered something in Russian and Matteo wished he knew what he was saying.

The other shook his head and carried a box out.

The first one gave up, probably thinking he was hallucinating or something. He too walked toward a box and carried it out of the elevator.

All five of them were crouched on top of the elevator, their only view of what was happening down there was through the grates. Steve held a finger to his lips, as if any one of them was going to dare to make a sound.

He looked good in the blue light coming from below, even if he hadn't put more product in his hair and slept on the floor. Matteo could only imagine the state he was in.

Steve locked eyes with Erica, or rather the canister in her hands. Matteo really hoped he wasn't going to suggest drinking it.

As soon as the men walked out of the elevator and their little golf cart outside began to make noise indicating they were walking away, Steve grabbed the canister and moved with lightning fast speed to the hatch, dropping down without making a sound, surprisingly agile.

Matteo followed, watching the metal door shut slowly. Just before it could close completely, Steve slid across the floor, using the green canister to hold the door open like a car jack.

Even Steve seemed surprised it worked.

Matteo didn't waste any time to applaud his sudden genius.

"Let's go" Steve beckoned him.

Matteo obliged, dropping to his knees before pressing flat against the floor and crawling out from under the door. He wasn't sure how long the canister could hold the weight.

As soon as he was through to the other side, Steve slid over Erica's bag. Matteo crouched, watching Steve urging everyone to follow him.

Erica came through next, helmet first, then her. Matteo helped her out, despite her protests. There wasn't any time for being scared of ten year olds, time was of the essence.

Dustin came next, Matteo let Erica go, helping the younger boy roll out as cracks started forming in the canister.

A single drop of sweat made it's way down his forehead as dread chilled him to the body. No, no, no, they were so close. Robin and Steve. Just let Robin and Steve make it.

He couldn't handle the children alone. He needed Robin and Steve.

Robin slid out next and Matteo was engulfing her in a hug before he even made it out fully. He led her to the side, letting Steve get the space to crawl out too.

"Come on, Harrington, get your ass out of there"

Matteo's eyes remained on the canister. Steve was halfway through. If the door collapsed on him now—

The canister cracked completely and the door shut with a loud thwump just as Steve made it through. The green goo from the canister splashed across the floor, narrowly missing Steve.

It behaved like an acid, eating through a part of the door and part of the floor, sizzling and glowing bright green as Matteo pulled Steve back.

All five of them scrambled to their feet and took a few steps back, watching in horror. Adrenaline still pumped through Matteo, and he couldn't help thinking about what all could have gone wrong if they had been a second too late.

"Jesus Christ"

"Ooh" Erica said as they gathered close to see the green good sizzle, the bubbling died down, making a depression in the smooth floor.

Matteo realized he had been holding his palm to Steve's chest, hearing his heart beat wildly under his hand. Clearing his throat, he pulled away.

"You still wanna drink that?" He teased Erica instead.

"Holy mother of god" Dustin breathed out. All four of them turned to see what he was staring at, only to be faced with a long hallway that made Matteo understand why the two men from earlier would need a golf cart to move around in.

It stretched out impossibly long. Matteo couldn't even wrap his head around it. All of this existed in Hawkins and no one had any idea? Right under their feet? For how long?

The corridor was lined with pipes on the side and blue lights on the ceiling giving it a futuristic but also terrifying look. It felt cold, everything felt cold. 

"Well," Steve patted his chest, starting to move down the hallway, "Hope you guys are in good shape"

He looked a little ridiculous in his navy blue and white sailors uniform. The shorts were probably too short, making his long legs stand out, and his white socks only made him look more like a schoolboy. The red scarf wasn't helping either. Thankfully, Steve hadn't put on his white hat since they locked up that evening. It should be a crime to hide that hair.

"Let's go," Matteo grabbed Dustin while Robin led Erica.

For better or worse, the two of them had turned into babysitters just like Steve. 

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