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"For the record, this is a stupid place to spy on people from"

"Shhh!" Dustin narrowed his eyes at him. Matteo just stuck his tongue out and snatched the hat from his head, ruffling his curls, causing him to yell out in protest, "Hey!"

"We're crouched behind a plant in the middle of the most heavily crowded part of the mall with Popeye over here very obviously looking at people through binoculars" Matteo said, putting Dustin's hat back onto the boy's head "You two may be comfortable being known as the village idiots, but I'm not"

"Hey!" This time, it was Steve who protested. Still, he continued to search for clues. What exactly they were searching for, Matteo had no idea.

The only thing he knew was that he saw Erica entering the parlor so he left Robin there to deal with the young girls while he left with the boys.

"You see anything?" Dustin asked Steve as he looked across the mall.

Matteo's legs were starting to ache from crouching so long. This really was a terrible hiding spot, mainly because there was no hiding. They were completely exposed from the back and the plants in front of them only provided so much cover.

"Uh, I guess I don't totally know what I'm looking for" Steve admitted, which was good since Matteo didn't have to worry about being the dumbest in the group, they were all stupid in their own ways.

"Evil Russians" Dustin answered as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, exactly. I don't know what an evil Russian looks like"

They were all crouching so it was Steve in the middle with Dustin on one side and Matteo on the other. Matteo accepted a nutty bar from Dustin, biting into it while Steve kept looking.

"Tall, blond, not smiling" Dustin suggested.

"Stereotyping much?"

Neither Dustin nor Steve paid much attention to Matteo.

"Look for earpieces" Matteo tried again, "Camo? Duffel bags, spy gear, that sort of stuff"

Thankfully, this time they listened to him and acknowledged that they heard him. "Right, okay, duffel bags" Steve mumbled.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me" Steve said suddenly, binoculars trained upward.


"Anna Jacobi's talking to that meat head, Mark Lewinsky!"

"Lewinsky?" Matteo made a face, "Such a downgrade from me to Lewinsky"

Steve looked away from the binoculars just so he could glare at Matteo.

"Dude, if you're not gonna focus, just gimme the binoculars"

"Aw, Jesus Christ" Steve cried out, ignoring Dustin, "Whatever happened to standards? I mean Lewinsky never even came off the bench!"

"Dude, you're the worst spy in history, you know that?" Dustin made to snatch the binoculars from Steve, but the blond swatted at his arm.

"Isn't that your mom, DeAngelo?" Steve moved the binoculars somewhere to the right.

Matteo held his nutty bar in his teeth like a pirate, causing Steve to groan in disgust. But the blond let him take the binoculars away from him and search for his mom.

She wasn't very far away, and her hair was a dead giveaway, it was definitely her. It wasn't that she didn't trust Matteo, so why would she come to the mall she hated so much? In her hands, she carried a small bag so maybe she was there to drop of food for him.

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