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Authors Note: My apologies for the delay! I am back and have weekly chapters to post. Hopefully Sundays! Life is busy, but hearing your thoughts on the book keep me motivated. If you enjoy it, and want more please let me know! :) 

The chaos of the paddock on a Race day never ceased to surprise Rose. She was heading up to Eleanor's office to edit her final draft of the proposal she would be giving to Lawrence next week. Rose made her way through the excited fans watching the drivers emerge from the various motorhomes and head to their team's garages in preparation for the race.

As she hurried up the stairs of the Aston Martin motorhome she almost ran right into Lance who was exiting his driver's room.

She looked up immediately. "Oh, sorry," she said, quickly stepping out of his way.

Lance's eyes still looked as fiery as after their little argument in the back of the car after the fundraiser. "Just be careful where you step," he said with zero emotion in his voice. Lance quickly stepped around her.

"Understood," Rose said sharply and mockingly saluted him. She was fed up with his poor attitude and after not saying anything to each other in the week leading up to the race. Rose's subconscious couldn't help but take a stab at Lance.

Lance stopped in his tracks, then slowly turned around and stared at her for a moment. Then his dark eyes grew cold and a smirk spread across his face. "So that's how it's going to be," he said coolly, as he cocked an eyebrow.

Rose nodded and pursed her lips. "Unfortunately we have to be 'friends'," Rose's trusty air quotes were back in play as she emphasized her sentence the same way Lance said it the other night.

That caused a slight twitch of his pursed lips. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Right," he said through gritted teeth as he turned his back to head down the stairs.

"Don't crash," Rose shot at him as he walked down the stairs.

"Excuse me?" He stopped midway down the stairs and turned back towards Rose.

"Just wishing my friend good luck. Break an arm out there! Oh wait, isn't the saying 'break a Leg'?" She snipped sarcastically.

He raised his eyebrows and took a couple of steps up towards her. Rose and Lance were now face to face. He opened his mouth, as if he was going to say something snarky. He looked over her shoulder, shut his mouth and looked back at Rose. He rolled his eyes, then turned and headed down the steps in a huff.

"Bye?" Rose said as she turned around and continued to head into Eleanor's office.

"That was weird," Chloe laughed as she stepped out of the bathroom just behind Rose.

"Uh," Rose stammered as she twisted her face to show her discomfort. The awkward exchange being caught by Lance's sister made the whole situation a lot weirder for Rose.

Chloe laughed and eased the tension. Rose felt immediately lifted. "What are you up to? Going to watch the race?" Asked Chloe.

"Sadly, no. I have a lot of work to do," Rose said as she patted her bag and headed into Eleanor's office. She sat down at the small table beside Eleanor's desk and took out her laptop and folder of papers.

She looked up and saw Chloe chatting to Eleanor. They both entered the room continuing their conversation. Rose made eye contact with Chloe, who had a mischievous look in her eye. "Ellie, do you think I could take Rose out to see the sights of Austria after the race?" Chloe asked sweetly.

Rose's eyes widened, what was Chloe up to she thought to herself. She focused back on her work, but kept listening to the conversation to make sure she knew what was happening.

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