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Authors Note: happy Sunday! I hope you enjoy, look out for the next chapter Thursday! Vote, comment, share! Your support is greatly appreciated.

After a long week of prepping Lawrence Stroll for all the fundraisers and galas leading up to the Montreal Grand Prix. It was finally the Race Weekend.

Eleanor and Rose pulled into the parking lot for the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve. They got out of the car and Rose pulled out her paddock pass and lanyard out of her messenger bag. This was such a surreal moment for her. It was the first time she would go through the turnstiles of the paddock; hearing the beep of her pass, she felt like she was in a dream.

As she made her way down the busy paddock, everyone was going in different directions and it was all a bit overwhelming for her. She stopped in the middle of the paddock and had to hold on to Eleanors hand to steady herself.

Eleanors face grew concerned. "Are you okay?" She whispered .

"Yah, just got far too excited and a little overwhelmed." Rose remarked taking another look around her. The shiny motorhomes, famous faces and the excited fans buzzing around. She was living a dream. If only her dad could see her now. It hadn't been a month yet, and she was on probation for one month. Under probation, she could be let go at any point in the first 4 weeks. She needed to make it past that, in order to tell her dad. Which lined up perfectly with the schedule, as she could tell her father before she jetted off to the next stop on the F1 calendar.

Eleanor rifled around in her big tote bag. She pulled out a sour candy and water bottle. "Eat this and drink this." She ordered.

"Yes M'am" Rose took the sour candy first. It caused her face to twist and contort into only what Rose feared to imagine. She immediately felt better, but the drink of water was a nice palette cleanser from the awful lemon aftertaste of the sour candy.

"Why did that work so well?" Rose asked Eleanor.

"Science. My therapist recommended it to me years ago when I was new to the job and was under tremendous stress. Still to this day,  I don't leave home without them." She smiled.

"Thanks Eleanor, you're a life saver." Exhaled Rose.

The pair continued to walk down the paddock. Ahead of Eleanor and Rose were Esteban and Pierre walking side by side towards them.

Esteban waved at them. Eleanor slowed down, "Hi Mr. Ocon." She smiled warmly at him.

"Oh Ellie, I have known you for years, give me a hug" He wrapped her in a hug.

Eleanor laughed. "Don't say how long I have known you, my age is a secret" She quipped back.

Rose was impressed by Eleanors humor. Pierre stood at the periphery, his light green eyes staring at her. But Rose was unable to place the look on his face.

Esteban then turned his attention to Rose. "Rosemary, I have to apologize for my state the other night. I didn't say the kindest things. You're no one's entertainment." He smiled.

The look on Esteban's face made the little grudge Rose had been holding this week melt away. He was just too likeable to be mad at.

"It's okay, I accept your apology." Rose said, then shifted her attention to Pierre. "Him on the other hand." She scowled. "He made an unnecessary comment." She said as she shot him a look and returned her attention to Eleanor. "We should get going." She prompted and turned to walk away.

Eleanor nodded and followed Rose's lead. After they walked away and entered the Aston Martin garage and up two flights of stairs into Eleanors small office, She turned to look at Rose. "What was that all about?" She asked.

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