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Authors Note: Happy Thursday! Please vote and comment to show support. It is greatly appreciated. I'm loving writing this and things are about to start getting steamy! :) 

When Rose woke up, she rolled over in her childhood bedroom, and she looked at her packed suitcase. She shot straight up out of bed. She had to get out the door quickly, to get to Eleanor's place so they could travel together to the airport.

That also meant that she had to tell her dad about her job. The probation time in her contract was now up, and she felt safe letting her dad know about it. It would also be good for her to tell her father why she was causally jetting off to Austria on a random Monday morning.

She quickly got dressed in a pair of her trusty Lululemon pants that looked like dress pants, but were definitely not. She pulled on a crisp white shirt and her jean jacket. She threw her hair into a braid, grabbed her suitcase, and headed out into the kitchen.

She saw her dad sitting at the kitchen table, playing candy crush and eating plain cheerios, just like every morning. Something about the quiet of the kitchen made her sad. Usually her mom would have been singing and dancing around making some sort of egg and potato dish.

Rose cleared her throat to get her dad's attention. He looked up from his iPad and then looked at the suitcase she was holding. "Hey Dad." She said sheepishly. "Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Always, but I have a feeling this will be bad news." He said as he put down his iPad, and sat up a bit straighter.

"No bad news." Rose said as she sat down. "Well, I hope you won't think it's bad." She added. Rose took a deep breath. "So about my job. I didn't give you many details, because I was on probation and I wanted the month to pass before I let you know."

"Okay..." Her dad responded as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"The truth is, I am a personal assistant to Lawrence Stroll." She paused as the name registered in her dad's face.

He blinked.

"I work with his personal assistant, and I'm helping with the business end of things. I am currently heading to the airport to get on a private jet and head to Austria."

Her Dad blinked faster. She could tell he was processing what was just said.

"Thoughts?" She shyly asked her father.

He shook his head. "I'm shocked. On one hand, I think this job will have a lot of opportunities for you; you get to see the world it seems, see what luxury looks like I bet." He scoffed. "But I have always felt since you were born, you were destined for something great." He said. "Most parents probably feel the same, but you're special Rosemary, don't forget that." He smiled.

Rose's eyes burned slightly as she blinked away the tears forming in her eyes. "Thanks, Dad." She smiled, as she blinked back the last tear in her eye. Her Dad wanted to say more, but he didn't know how to put it into words.

After an awkward silence, "Well, I'm off. Wish me luck." She said as she picked up her suitcase again.

Her dad stood up. "Let me take that." He said, as he took the bag out of her hand and walked her to her car. Once Rose was in, he leaned down on the drivers side window. Rose lowered the window with the crank. "Be safe, make good choices. Also... Don't–"

"DAD DON'T!!" Rose yelled to interrupt her dad.

A smile grew on his face. "Don't poop your pants." He chuckled, as he slapped the top of the car and walked back inside.

"Ugh." Rose groaned. That was the way her dad could annoy her the fastest. Rose still was unsure of why he would say that when she was 22. It did make her laugh a bit, but it still embarrassed her to no end.

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