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Authors Note: Enjoy! Please comment, vote or message me any thoughts or opinions you have! Always love to hear what you think! 

"So you are saying this job means... " Rose paused to collect her thoughts, "I'm the personal assistant to the personal assistant?!" Rose's voice got louder. After a grueling hour of interview questions that she felt were trying to get her to reveal her deepest darkest secrets. Rose felt like she had done a good job at answering the questions professionally, while still being able to show some personality. But wow, Eleanor was a ruthless interviewer, Rose thought to herself as she took a quick sip of the water that had been brought over.

Eleanor quickly closed her black folder, clicked her pen closed and placed it ever so perfectly on the top of the folder. She pursed her lips and after a brief moment, nodded sharply.

She pulled out a thick paper package from her briefcase. With a loud smack the papers hit the table. Rose's eyebrows raised.

"The job is yours if you sign these papers for a background check, security clearance, criminal record check and a non-disclosure agreement." Eleanor stated matter of factly.

"All of that for a secondary personal assistant job?" Rose said exasperated as she flipped through the package in front of her. "Wait-" she paused "Who am I even working for that needs all of this?" She questioned.

"You will find out if all these record checks come back clean." Eleanor responded.

"How do I know I even want this job?" Rose challenged.

"This is an incredible opportunity for someone with little to no opportunities. Experience does not come free."

"Actually?" Rose said as her eyebrows went even higher up her forehead. She flipped open the first page. "You don't mind if I read the fine print" She smirked.

Eleanor gave a nod of approval as Rose got to work reading and making notes in the margins of her paperwork.

Rose laughed and underlined 'No workplace relations" and chuckled to herself.

Eleanor looked down to see what Rose laughed at. "That one is probably the most important to your new boss." She emphasized with a stern look.

"Is he hot?" Rose joked, then noticed the stern look in Eleanor's eyes. "Sorry, that was inappropriate. I would never." She quickly said to cover up her bad joke.

With a sigh she flipped to the last page and signed the package.

"It feels like I just sold my soul." She joked again trying to ease the tension.

"You may have." Eleanor stood up quickly, grabbed the papers. She winked mischievously as she turned and walked out the door.

That left Rose sitting with wide eyes in a now empty coffee shop. Does Eleanor actually have a humorous side? She asked herself as she gathered her bag and made her way to her VW beetle.

The fancy Aston Martin car was nowhere to be found. She got in her car and drove back home.

It was a Saturday night, and Rose found herself on the living room couch opposite her dad who was in his recliner. Her dad was engrossed in his Candy Crush game on his ipad, the sound on full volume as usual. Rose did her best to ignore the chimes and sound effects that were sounding from her dads iPad.

"Dad, could you please turn off the sound?" Rose half whined.

"Oh." Her dad responded, getting pulled out of the concentration of his game. He looked up to the television. "Nice to see Max take the lead as per usual." he laughed as he turned his attention back to his game.

Checkmate - [F1 - Pierre Gasly / Lance Stroll]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora