Chapter 19: Giselle

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I try to even out my breaths as I wipe my hands on my silver leotard. My hair is slicked back into a tight, neat bun. I pace around the locker room, trying not to lose my cool.

Today is the elimination round of the ice skating competition. The whole school is here to watch, including my father and brother. I had to take my mom's pendant off the usual comforting weight of it on my chest is gone.

I hear the crowd cheer and clap before they fall silent.

"Next up is Giselle Romean!'' The announcer exclaims as I take a shay breath before skating onto the rink.

The crowd cheers as I skate to the middle of the rink and I see Rafe, Archer and Anya all sitting next to my father and brother. Beatrix joins them, handing Anya a drink and giving her an admiring look as Archer's smile drops.

"Go Gigi!'' Rafe exclaims and I roll my eyes.

Hugo waves a banner that reads; Giselle is the best in all of Massachusetts! Go Brownie! I look over at my dad and smile at him as he shoots me a thumbs up.

My song choice - Toxic by Brittany Spears - blasts through the speakers of the rink as I get myself into my starting position.

I skate around, picking up speed before leaping into the air and performing a triple axel. I close my eyes as I spin in the air and I manage a perfect landing. I skate across the ice, picking up speed before lowering myself to the ground. I bend one leg underneath me and lean backwards, my hair grazing the ice, my arms outstretched over my head. I swiftly get up and skate backwards, before spinning on the point of my skate. I skate backwards in a criss - cross manner before jumping off my left foot and spinning again.

I skate in a circle around the ice, preparing myself to do my last big leap, the Salchow leap. I jump off my left foot, spread my legs in a line as I spin twice before landing on both my feet. I skate around dropping to my knees and spinning when I end with my hands in the air, a grin plastered on my face.

Everyone starts cheering and applauding, two of the judges stand up and clap for me. I give a quick bow before turning around and my eyes land on a frustrated looking Madame Lulu who's glaring at me. I hurry back to the locker room and change into my black sweatpants and oversized tee. I put the guards back on my skates and put everything back into my locker so I can grab it all later.

The results of this competition are going to be posted before the Christmas break so I can kind of forget about it until then.

Rafe gives me a huge smile as I approach them on the bleachers, he moves up a little and I sit next to Hugo who gives me a huge hug.

"You were amazing Brownie.'' Dad says, hugging me.

"I hope so,'' I laugh anxiously. "I don't think Madame Lulu agrees.''

"Who's Madame Lulu?'' Hugo quips. "The old lady who always looks like she just smelt horse shit?''

"What?'' Archer laughs.

"Hugo language.'' Dad snaps. When in the hell did my younger brother learn how to say shit. Neither me or my dad ever swear that much, especially not around him.

"Yeah that's her.'' Rafe laughs, ruffling my brother's hair. "Horse shit face.''

I narrow my eyes. Of course.

"He's been with you for less than two hours and he's already saying things like shit!'' I exclaim, elbowing Rafe in the ribs.

"What can I say, I'm an amazing role model.'' He shrugs and I glare at him.

This man wants me to kill him. I swear I'm going to suffocate him with his literature book.


Archer was out at the gym. Since the competition he seemed super pissed and went to blow off some steam while Anya and Beatrix left the apartment for some weekend date in the city. My dad and brother went back to the hotel to pack their bags for London tomorrow.

I stuff my face into my pillow and groan. Madame Lulu's disappointed and furious face keeps replaying in my mind. I try to track the steps of my routine and see if I messed up of did something I shouldn't have. I'm stressing so much that It caused me to have another mental breakdown.

"Gigi?'' Rafe calls out to me. I look up and see him poke his stupidly charming head around my door.

"Go away.'' My voice is muffled.

"You can't sulk around when you were perfect.'' Rafe says.

"I clearly wasn't perfect.'' I mutter.

"Come on Gigi.'' Rafe drags me from my bed and throws my trainers at me. "We're going to cheer you up.''

I reluctantly put on my shoes and follow Rafe out of the dorms as he takes me to the back gardens of the campus. I wrap my arms around myself as the chill night air brushes my skin.

"This is where the pretty female lead dies.'' I sigh dramatically.

"I wouldn't kill you in a garden,'' Rafe smiles. "That's too predictable.''

We sit by a bench overlooking a large lake under neath a weeping willow. The leaves are a dark green that covers us from anyone.

Rafe pulls out a blunt and a lighter and hands it to me.

"I already told you no.'' I hand them back to him.

"Giselle, you're stressed and have had two mental breakdowns because of some old witch.'' Rafe says. "Just try and relax.''

"What about the school?'' I ask,

"You're forgetting that my mom owns the school.'' He smirks at me and I take the blunt from him.

"You don't know how to smoke it?'' He asks and I shake my head sheepishly.

Rafe looks at me and Laughs before putting the blunt in his mouth and lighting it. He breathes in, removes the blunt and lets it go.

"I'll show you.''

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