Chapter 9: Rafe

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'There's no way they'll kick you off the team.' Archer says.

'That's the plan if I don't get my grade up.' I sigh. 'It was definitely my moms idea.'

My dad would never kick me off the team. Yes he would bench me just to piss me off but he knows I'm  one of the best out there.

'Giselle's being stubborn and not wanting to tutor me.' I snap, rubbing my forehead.

'You just gotta sweet talk her.' Archer says, nudging me. 'You're good at that.'

'It doesn't work on her.' I mutter. 'She sees through the whole flirty façade.'
And that draws you in doesn't it?

Anya walks out of her room and stretches. She waved at Archer who gives her a small smile.

'Anya are you able to tutor Rafe?' Archer asks.

'Nope, Giselle's been the one tutoring me.' She shrugs. 'Sorry.'
She grabs her bag and leaves the dorm.

'Mrs Jonae wasn't kidding when she said she's the best in the class.' I mutter, slumping back on the couch.

'Get your ass up.' Archer drags me up. 'We're going to find Giselle and get her to agree to this because there's no way your whole career is going to disappear because of this.'

We leave the dorm and Archer leads me to the common room. I see Giselle sitting on the couch next to Tyler and they're playing a game of uno.

I clench my jaw. They've been unbelievably close recently and it's getting on my nerves.

'Hey Tyler!' Archer exclaims. He grabs his arm and hoists him up.

'I'm going to steal Gigi from you for a bit.' I smile tightly.

Giselle sighs and rubs her forehead.

'How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that.' She snaps. 'You're so unbearable.'

'I need you to tutor me.' I say quickly. 'I'm being for real.'

'Oh really?' She raises a perfectly shaped brow, her green eyes piercing into mine. 'What's in it for me?'

What's in it for her? She gets to be graced by my presence.

'You get to hang out with the most popular, good looking guy you've laid eyes on.' I smirk, running a hand through my hair.

'Oh for gods sake.' She mutters. Giselle stands up, grabs her crutches and goes to walk away when I grab her arm. She looks down at my hand, her eyes narrowing.

'Please.' I say. 'I need this,'

She looks at me and I can see that she's considering it.

'Fine.' A smile spreads onto my face as she sits back down. 'But I want something in return.'

'Anything.' I reply.

'My brother and dad want free tickets to come watch your match against the Sea Dogs.' Gigi explains. 'They're fans of yours.'

The smile on my face grew. Who knew the dad of the girl I despise would be one of my biggest fans?

'Of course they're fans.' I smirk. 'I mean have you seen me.'

'There's nothing to see.' She snaps. 'Just a bored playboy.'

'Jealous?' I raise my eyebrows.

'You're not my type.' She retorts and I see her shift in her seat under my gaze.

'You're not mine either.' I reply. 'But we have a deal.'

Giselle extends her hand and shakes mine, her hand is soft and fits perfectly in mine. She clears her throat and lets go of me.

'We start this evening after your training session.' She says, before grabbing her crutches and going towards Tyler. 

I look over at Archer and shoot him a thumbs up. I can now focus on the upcoming game.

'Rafe please open your ears.' Giselle snaps. 'I have my own essay to write and I don't want to waste time.'

'Can't you just write it for me?' I lean back and put my hands behind my head.

'Rafe I swear to god I couldn't care less if you got kicked off the hockey team.' She puts her curly hair into a loose low bun. 'I'm doing this for my scholarship.'

'Literature is not my thing.' I reply, fiddling with my pen.

'Then why the hell did you pick it.' She asks exasperatedly.

'Because it was either that or science or math.' I reply.

'Please.' She says. 'Just work with me.'

'Thanks Gigi,' I smirk as I take a carrot from her pile of carrot sticks. She seems to love the spicy hummus and carrot combination.

'You only ever eat healthy things.' I say.
Giselle turns and glares at me.

'What I eat is none of your business.' She snaps.

'I'm just saying.' I shrug, not quite understanding why she's getting so mad about this. 'Don't you ever have cheat days.'

'I'm a figure skater, I go to the gym and I study hard.' She mutters. 'I need to stay fit and agile if I want to do flips, spins or jumps.'

'Damn, no need to be so defensive about it.' I shrug.

'I'm not defensive.' She mutters, turning to look at me. 'Let's keep the conversations we have only about work, I have no interest in getting to know you.'

'Neither do I.' I cross my arms.

'Finally we agree on something.' She smiles stiffly.

Something inside of me wishes that she would once give me a genuine smile. The kind of laugh and smile she gives Tyler and Archer. Just so I can see her dimples again and the little shine in her eyes.

'Now lets see what you've written so far.' Giselle leans over to look at my work and I get a huge whiff of her floral perfume.

She stares at my work, her brows furrowed as she reads alone and I can't help but admire her.

'This is terrible.' She says, snapping me out of my daydream.

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