Chapter 16: Giselle

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After Rafe got to know my family, my father asked him to sign a couple things before his team called him over and he left us.

"Believe me dad.'' I sigh. "We're not dating.''

"Okay, Okay Brownie I believe you.'' He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Why not?'' Hugo asks, looking hilarious in Rafe's jersey. It was sweet of him to give it to Hugo but that's where his sweetness ends.

"We have nothing in common.'' I reply.

"That's not true.'' Dad frowns. "You're both very ambitious.''

"You would look cute.'' Hugo chirps and I glare at him.

"Drop it.'' I mutter.

Someone like Rafe would never be interested in me whether I was the dating type or not, he only goes for girls who throw themselves at him, and I'm not one of them.

"Lets give Brownie some rest.'' Dad puts an arm around Hugo. "We have an early flight tomorrow.''

"Can't you guys stay longer?'' I ask. "At least for the rest of the week?''

"Flights back to London are pricey.'' He rubs the back of his neck.

"I'll pay for it.'' I say. The school gives me a $1,500 bursary a month that I can spend on personal issues. "I don't want you to miss my elimination round.''

"Please dad.'' Hugo looks up at him. "I wanna see Giselle in action.''

"Are you sure?'' Dad looks at me and I nod. "Fine.'' He ruffles Hugo's hair and I laugh.

I say goodbye to them as they leave the academy and make my way back to the dorm rooms. After this long day I just want to slip into my warm sheets and fall asleep for fifty years. I have an early start tomorrow as Madame lulu wants us to train early and I would much rather not collapse at the ice rink. Especially not in front of Sage.

Sage has been a pain in my ass since I got here. Every time our coach will book the rink for me after her turn, she will purposely long out her session, cutting into mine and so I get less training time.

I slide my key card and open the door to loud music blasting from speakers scattered around the room. You've got to be kidding me.

People are dancing, red cups are scattered everywhere and in the middle of all this chaos is no other than Rafe Hartley himself. Archer is on one side and another brunette boy on the other, both pouring beer into Rafe's mouth as he leans back. His Adam's apple bobs up and down as he chugs the beer.

I push through the crowd of people as the music makes my head pound. I really need to sleep. Archer spots me and waves me over as I give him a small smile.

"Giselle come over!'' Archer yells. "Come have a drink.''

"Yeah Gigi come on.'' Rafe slurs, obviously drunk.

"No thanks, I have a big day and I'd rather not be hungover.'' I smile stiffly.

"Oh come on Gigi, don't be a bore.'' Rafe laughs. I stiffen and narrow my eyes.

A bore, that's exactly what my ex called me when I didn't want to give him what he wanted. I was naïve and gave into his begging, something I'll never do again.

I try to side step Rafe but he stands in front of me abruptly, splashing my cream jumper with brown liquid.

"I'm so sorry.'' He wipes my jumper, only making the stain worse. I barge past Rafe and unlock my room just to find a man heavily making out with some girl on my bed. I slam the door shut and feel the corners of my eyes sting.

This is the last thing I need right now, the music blares, the LED light flash everywhere and my head feels like it's going to explode.

I hold my head and rush to the sink where I fill a glass with water and chug it down. I turn around bumping into a drunk Archer who narrows his eyes in concern as he looks at me.

"You don't look so good.'' He says.

"She just needs to smoke.'' Rafe chuckles from next to him and I let out a frustrated sigh. He hands me a blunt and I throw it back at him.

"Come on Gigi, don't be like that.'' Rafe smirks, drinking out of the red cup in his hand. "Smoke with me, don't be a bore.''

That word again. I drink from the glass in my hand and slam it down.

"I'm not a bore, I'm tired.'' I snarl. "There's people making out in my room, I reek of beer, my head is about to explode and you want me to smoke?''

"It's just a bit of weed, what's the issue.'' He chuckles.

"What's the issue?'' I scoff. "If the teachers even smell a little bit of weed or alcohol on me I'll be expelled and lose my scholarship - everything I've ever worked for to come here will all be for nothing.'' Rafe's eyes widen in shock.

I'm not lying, it was in the conditions part of the contract I signed. No underage smoking or drug misuse or else everything will disappear.

"But I'm sorry Mr Daddy's money, you've never known what it feels like to have things denied for you.'' I snap. "But it's just a little weed right.''

I finally notice that I let a couple of tears slip through and I wipe my eyes. I move past Rafe who grabs my arm and pulls me close.

"I'm sorry Gigi.'' He says. "You can have my room tonight.'' He has sincerity in his eyes but he's still a complete mess.

"Talk to me when you sober up.'' I snap, moving past him to his room and I slump on his bed and finally allow myself to have a little bit of a breakdown before I tug off my jumper, leaving me in a grey sports bra.

With the door closed, the music is muffled and I can finally drift off to sleep.

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