Chapter 145

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"Is Meng Po soup really drinkable?"

Seeing Meng Poxing rushing into the kitchen, Ji Xiunian couldn't help but confirm again.

Lu Xu smiled and said in a calm and calm tone: "It's okay at all. If you drink too much, you'll get sick."

While the two were talking, a new customer came outside. They look neatly dressed and look like ordinary people, but they are not living people who can live in the underworld. If you think about it, you will know that they are ghosts.

Lu Xu is a well-known figure in the underworld. Even if he is not his client, all ghost friends who have died will know him.

As soon as the ghosts came in and saw Lu Xu, they were a little cautious and politely stood in a row and said hello. Even still hesitating, you look at me and I look at you, wondering whether to leave.

Lu Xu smiled when he saw this and said in a very gentle tone: "We are all guests when we come in here, there is nothing to worry about."


Seeing Lu Xu's easy-going and natural attitude, the ghosts instantly relaxed. After ordering their meals, they did not forget to care about Lu Xu's draft progress: "Master Lu Xu, shouldn't you pack up and prepare for your debut? You asked your family in a dream before. Vote, and we can try to apply again if necessary..."

When Lu Xu first entered the competition, he was not the most popular. Everyone else was mobilizing to vote, but his first batch of fans were busy voting for their families at night.

Because they were all operated in the early morning, many people thought that Lu Xu was a "passer-by" in the company's operations. However, they didn't know that the hell was true, but the passer-by was not a human being.

"No need." Lu Xu politely said thank you to them, and then declined the offer.

After death, a person has little connection with the original world itself, so it would be better to have fewer interactions.

"Soup is here!" Before Mrs. Meng came out, a rich aroma was already wafting from the kitchen.

Even though Ji Xiunian has been to so many places and eaten so much food, he still finds the rich flavor of this soup hard to resist.

"Hey, it's the guest who made the reservation." Po Meng brought out the soup and saw the people sitting over there and couldn't help but smile and confirm the information.

"Do you need to make a reservation here?" Ji Xiunian couldn't help but ask Lu Xu after hearing this.

Lu Xu nodded and whispered: "Yes, because the raw materials of the soup are precious, they are basically in limited supply."

Before they could finish speaking, another waiter-like guy came out and served soup to the new guests. Before serving the soup, he carefully checked the customer's information, and then divided the soup with the name on it.

Ji Xiunian looked at it and found it novel. He always felt that the customized soup was a bit suitable for the situation.

Seeing his curiosity, Po Meng immediately explained with a smile: "Our soups here are all customized according to the needs of the customers. Some want to forget recent events and some want to delete past memories. Anyone with such needs can come to our store. Guaranteed to be effective in just one bowl."

10 out of 10 things in life are unsatisfactory.

Sometimes you do something embarrassing or painful at a certain time. You can't forget it when you are alive, and you will keep repeating it after you die.

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