Chapter 135

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Because of the timely rescue, the rescuers' lives were not in danger and they woke up after only a short rest on shore.

If a murder occurs in a scenic spot, the police will naturally have to be called. Fortunately, surveillance equipment is now all over the island. When the surveillance is called up, it is found that it is obviously a suicide. After that, the body was taken away, and all that was left was to confirm the identity and a series of other tasks.

Until the police came to question, the rescuers were still in shock.

In fact, the woman was already dead before he entered the water. If that was the case, what was that he just saw under the water?

When asked about the cause of the sudden drowning, the rescuers were dumbfounded and struggled with whether to tell the truth.

However, the person in charge of the scenic spot also said: "Lao Guo has rich experience in underwater rescue. It is said that this kind of problem will not occur. It is probably an accident..."

The rescuer known as Lao Guo has at least ten years of experience in water rescue, and the person in charge really did not lie. There was no technical problem but it still almost caused an accident. The only explanation is an accident.

However, when Lao Guo thought about the underwater scene, he felt a chill running down his spine and a creepy feeling: "It's not an accident, it's a ghost..."


The people next to me were not far away, and I could vaguely hear the conversation between them.

When they heard Lao Guo say there was a ghost, everyone subconsciously looked at his ankle.

There are drag marks on the ankles of the female corpse and Lao Guo. This coincidence is so weird that it will inevitably make people think too much.

The policeman, who was busy taking photos, collecting evidence and writing notes, raised his head and glanced at Lao Guo when he heard this. His affectionate and complicated expression was: "What did you say?"

Before Lao Guo could repeat what he had just said, the person in charge had rushed to explain: "It's nothing, I guess I'm just too tired so my mind is a little unclear. He just said it casually, so we don't need to take it seriously."

Originally, saying "hell" is not something the police have any control over, but it seems like this kind of thing is more suitable for a psychiatrist.

Lao Guo wanted to say something, but was quietly silenced by the person in charge. This time he reluctantly shut up. He first looked at the corpses on the shore and then looked at the water, feeling fear in his heart -

Compared with that corpse, the current underwater made him feel more depressed.

Either he has a shadow of drowning, or there's really something inside...

The policeman left after asking questions, and it had been going on for a long time.

"Lao Guo, how can you talk nonsense, what are you talking about?"

The person in charge originally wanted to educate him a bit, after all, it would not sound good if such words were spread.

But before he could finish speaking, Lao Guo, who had always been a man of few words, suddenly interrupted him: "Manager, I want to resign."

"Huh?" The person in charge felt a little strange, so he lowered his tone and persuaded him, "It was just an accident, so you don't have to resign. Besides, you see that our scenic spot has been open for such a long time, and the number of times you are actually required to go into the water is very small... ...."

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