Chapter 55

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In Room 603, Songye Garden, West Street, Lan Gaojie was lying alone on the rocking chair on the balcony, with two barrels of gasoline piled at his feet.

A few hours ago, he was standing on the stage, burning his life and releasing his charm. However, who would have thought that in less than six hours, his body would have become much older, and he seemed to be running out of fuel.

"Ahem..." Lan Gaojie coughed heavily and felt that his lungs hurt. His breathing was inexplicably stagnant, and he subconsciously looked towards the living room. On the table, facing south, there is a squatting Buddha amulet, which he specially invited back when he went abroad.

He couldn't remember when he started, but he unexpectedly discovered that people who made wishes on the Buddha's amulet would become different. What was originally a pretty face would become powerful and charming after he made a wish. But every time he made a wish, his body would be inexplicably exhausted, so Lan Gaojie didn't dare to make wishes often at first.

Lan Gaojie's dream since he was a child is to shine on the stage, and he has been working hard for this dream.

But dreaming alone is not enough.

His appearance is average and he has no talent. Even though he relied on his family connections to squeeze into BTT's reserve members, he was eventually abandoned because his grades were not up to standard.

Sometimes Lan Gaojie also thought about giving up, but when he saw btt on the stage, he felt that he couldn't accept it, and he always felt unwilling to give up.

That night, the Buddha fell into a dream and told him that he could make any wish, but he had to sacrifice himself. The decision is in his hands, he can stop whenever he wants.

After imagining the scene of him standing on the stage watching thousands of fans worshiping him, Lan Gaojie was finally moved.

The moment he signed the contract with Buddha, he thought he could stop whenever he wanted, but he didn't expect that many things would be out of his control once he started.

The desire to make a living blinded him, and since he tasted the sweetness, Lan Gaojie began to make wishes non-stop. Occasionally, I would like to stop due to extreme physical discomfort, but the moment I stop making wishes, my popularity will disappear. How could you let go of fame and fortune once you have tasted it, so day after day, until there is no return.

After waking up in the ambulance, Lan Gaojie accidentally saw his now old face.

His popularity on the Internet had finally increased, but he couldn't accept showing off his face to others. He immediately fled the hospital and unilaterally announced his withdrawal from the competition.

He couldn't explain to others what he looked like now, and he couldn't imagine fans seeing his face peeling off its powder.

Instead of letting them be scared away from their fans by your own face, it is better to leave them with relatively beautiful thoughts.

"I have nothing left to give you, so come with me." I once looked at the Buddhist amulet with compassion for heaven and earth, but now I just feel that the smile is weird and makes people feel chilled all over.

Lan Gaojie loved and hated it. He didn't want others to see his old appearance after death, so he thought about dying together with the Buddha amulet.

With trembling hands, he tried to light the lighter.

However, at this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang.

The sudden ringing of the bell startled Lan Gaojie, and he became even more anxious to push down the gasoline and light the curtains on fire.

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