Chapter 92

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The topic #qu德hui直播# has become a hot search topic, and many people were shocked when they learned the whole story.

A singer who became popular by creating a label admitted that he had stolen other people's songs. No novel would dare to write this.

Those fans who really liked him couldn't accept it and even hoped that he was joking. Even if this joke is too extreme, it is still better than the person you like being a thief.

Qu Dehui's phone was probably broken the moment he threw it out. Seeing that he didn't come online again and seeing how much netizens were laughing at him, some true fans couldn't help but go to the company's Weibo to explain.

But before his team could issue a statement, a newly registered account came out and dumped Qu Dehui's list of songs and evidence.

After reading this news, everyone discovered that Qu Dehui had not written a single song by himself in the ten years since his debut. Being able to hide it for so long is amazing.

As much as fans loved him before, they hate him now.

[Call me Mrs. Qu: I started to like him when he debuted, and the first album simply shocked me. Although he has never produced another work of the same height, I still support him. I thought this love would last forever, but I was told that the song was not written by him. I was angry at first and then found it hard to be sad. What makes me angry is that the person I like is a complete liar, and what makes me sad is that the original one. He was originally the person I liked, but I don't even recognize him when he is gone. This is really sad. 】

The ID was registered before. Weibo restricts changing the name. Even if the blogger wants to change it, it will take time.

Many people were moved to tears by her last sentence, and they didn't know who started it. Everyone lit wax for the original creator, hoping that people who knew about him could come forward and say something.

Seeing that several Qu Dehui related items appeared on the hot search, Lu Xu never clicked on his phone again.

"I've seen people overturn their cars, but I've never seen people work so hard to fool themselves." Lu Xu turned over and lay on the bed, poking at his eighth sister who was nestled next to the pillow.

His skin was originally white, and the light made it look even better, without any blemishes.

Ji Xiunian himself didn't know why he thought of works of art. Although this metaphor was not very appropriate, Lu Xu did have that taste.

"I think I feel guilty after doing so much." Ji Xiunian glanced at Weibo and couldn't help but sighed, "Even fans on the official blog of the program team have boycotted me. I'm afraid Brother Fan is going to have a hard time this time. ."

"Huh?" After hearing this, Lu Xu couldn't help but stand up and lean over, thinking about looking at Ji Xiunian's cell phone.

The two were already very close. Lu Xu turned over and leaned his head, his chin just touching Ji Xiunian's arm: "Don't say it, it's really..."

Feeling his chin resting on his arm, Ji Xiunian didn't even dare to move, not knowing what he was afraid of. From this angle, he could just see Lu Xu's side face, his curled eyelashes and beautiful jawline, everything was perfect.

Lu Xu is really good-looking, and it's so easy to see that even just one face can make people's hearts flutter.

Ji Xiunian felt his heart beating a little faster again, and his face felt faintly hot.

He unconsciously avoided looking. Just when he felt a little better, Lu Xu put his hand on his forehead: "Brother Nian, why are your face so red? Do you have a fever?"

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