Chapter 7 (Foot Pain)

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Luciano POV
 I got the solo part wrong and I couldn't control my frustrations. I smashed the guitar on the ground. "FUCK- FUCK YOU" I screamed. As I smashed the shit outta the guitar I heard many footsteps running upstairs. As I was smashing the guitar one of the pieces of wood stabbed me in the foot. "SHIT." I held my foot in pain.


My door slammed open Alessandro came in with the rest of my brothers behind him. The younger ones tried to see what was happening through the door crack. I sat down on my bed gripping my foot while whispering, "Fuck fuck it fucking hurts!" Alessandro rushed toward me yelling at Mateo. "Mateo get the first aid kit now!" I winced as he grabbed my foot trying to examine it. I grabbed my pillow and screamed in embarrassment. This was my worst nightmare. 

"Fix my foot goddammit!" I screamed. Alessandro shushed me, "Try to stay cal-" "Stay calm? STAY CALM?! THERE'S A PIECE OF WOOD IN MY FOOT."

Soon everything felt dizzy. I couldn't handle the pain anymore and I fainted.

Alessandro POV
Luciano passed out. Usually if me or the other kids got stabbed or something we would be calm. But I don't blame the kid, he was raised differently than the other boys. I carried Luci to the car, where I took him to our own private hospital.

Once we got there, I ran as fast as I could while carrying Luci. "Someone help me now!" I ordered. One minute later, a couple of nurses and one doctor came by with a gurney and put Luci on it. They took him to the emergency room. 

10 minutes later

The doctor came by and introduced himself, "Hello I am your daughter's doctor, Dr. Harmon. Do you have any files on her medical history when she was 13 or younger?"
"Wait hold up. Daughter? You sure you have the right person right? Luciano?" I asked in a questionable tone. He nodded,"Yup I am sure. She definitely had female body parts. The tests showed that she had estrogen." 

I couldn't believed it. All this time I was looking for what happened to Bella but he was right in front of me. 
I think I with still call him Luciano because I don't know what's the whole story behind it. I texted   our family group chat to not come to the hospital right now because I have to sort something out.

12 hours later
Luciano POV

"Luci? Luci?" I heard Mom say. But it wasn't mom. It was my dad. "Dad?" I said groggily. "What happened?" I looked down to my foot and it was bandaged. This wasn't my room. "Where am I?" Dad said, "We're at the hospital honey." 

I sat up while groaning. "Dude my head fucking hurts so bad." He chuckled before returning to his cold demeanor, "Son there is something I would like to ask you about." My breath hitched and my head was pounding even harder. A bunch of thoughts went through my head. What did he need to ask me about? Does he know I'm trans? Of course he knew! I'm a a freaking hospital! Of course another question went through my head, did he find my weed?

He continued, "Your doctor, Dr. Harmon, said that you are a girl." That's when I tried to run but he caught my arm and looked me into my eye, "Are you Bella?" I nodded in sadness, I walked back to my bed. "I guess I should explain this to you," He nodded. "Well ever since I lived with mom she raised me as a boy since she knew how to raise a guy and I kinda always felt like one too. So I'm basically trans. It wasn't forced on me so don't blame it on mom."

He hugged me. "I won't tell the other boys don't worry. I'm fine with you being trans. I just wanted you to open up." I sniffled, "Are you mad at me?" He shook his head. "Hell no. I think it's cool that you get to express yourself. And I'm sorry that I had to ask this way." 

"No it's fine I understand. The doctor had to tell you anyways I guess, cause my chest is probably weird." I said while muttering that last part. He laughed. "You really have to stop muttering stuff. Although it's fine because I get that you're new to this family."

I laughed with him too. "Yeah sure. I'll see if I'll actually do it." Then silence almost fell between us before Dad asked, "How did this foot stabbing thingy happened?" I sighed. "It's complicated. So um I was walking back to my room when I walked passed Dante's room. He was on the phone with someone and said ' I can't believe we let an emo fag to our house.' he also sat something about how you and Marcello were dumb enough to let me into your house."

Dad rubbed his face, "Jeez I can't believe he said that. " He got up, "Well thanks for telling me. I should probably go back home now. Will you be ok if I bring the boys here?"

I nodded, "I mean yeah but I really don't want to see Dante. If that's that ok with you?" Her nodded. Alright I'll leave and come back for you in an hour. Do you want Mcdonalds?" I nodded, "Hell yeah!"


Another short chapter but I tried to write it as fast as I could. 

For the next chapter: Should Dante get revenge on Luci for telling their dad about the phone call?



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